
uTask / News: Recent posts

uTask 0.3.3 released

Hello :) I'm happy to announce a new version of uTask. This release is mainly a bugfix - while using semaphores some tasks could have been woken-up too early. I also added idle task handler. You can now set function that will be called when there were no tasks run in current iteration of utask_process(). This function is called with one argument: number of ticks left to next task executing. You can use it to put uC to sleep, just write an appropriate function.

Posted by Bartosz Bielawski 2011-07-22

uTask 0.3.2 released

I'm happy to announce a new version of uTask has been released. Changes include one small bug fix and some typedefs, which were added to make uTask usage easier on 8- and 16-bit uCs.

Posted by Bartosz Bielawski 2011-02-28

uTask works with ATmega devices

uTask is confirmed to work with ATmega devices. It seems not only 32-bit uCs can now use power of uTask :)

Posted by Bartosz Bielawski 2011-02-28

Semaphores in uTask

Here's another blog entry concerning uTask:
"uTask - tuning and use of semaphores":

Posted by Bartosz Bielawski 2010-11-12

Intruduction to uTask

My blog entry "uTask - a simple coroutine library for 32 bit uCs" is available here:

Posted by Bartosz Bielawski 2010-11-12

Online docs


I've created the online documentation fo uTask and now it is available at I guess that's more handy than a PDF file.

Posted by Bartosz Bielawski 2010-10-18

uTask 0.3.1

uTask is a small library designed to manage FSM/coroutines in bare-metal embedded systems. I found it useful and wanted to share this piece of code with other embedded engineers. Hope you find it
convenient too. Enjoy!

This version has been created from 0.2.3 branch, which is used in few of my projects. It is slightly polished and includes a few new concepts.

Documentation can be found in files section and is included in source in Doxygen format.

Posted by Bartosz Bielawski 2010-10-15