
xobjflib-0.0.1 Objective-C Library released

The usrbac project is pleased with the recent release of xobjflib-0.0.1, the Extended Object Foundation Library. This is an Objective-C library that supplies highly reusable objects which do not appear in the standards, including a ReadWriteLock, LinkedList, and Log object. We take particular pride in the OLLog logging object, and suggest you check its API out at if you use or are considering using Objective-C.

The objects were designed initially by usrbac project lead bluefoxicy (John Moser), and were polished by the users and developers in #gnustep on Special thanks to all those who contributed their input.

xobjflib will be the cornerstone of the rbacd code; however, rbacd specific objects will still exist in rbacd and librbacd, while generally reusable objects will exist in xobjflib.

Posted by John Richard Moser 2004-06-20

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