
Userspace Role Based Access Control / News: Recent posts

USRBAC may come back

I abandoned this project a long time ago; but I may bring it back soon. FUSE may be getting a "Filter" extension that will allow you to mount a FUSE FS over a directory and access the directory below it through FUSE. Using this, implementing a user-space role based access control system should be trivial.

There are a couple other things FUSE would need to get this quite right. I can shoe-horn in security contexts and capabilities but implementing a full SELinux or GRSecurity type system isn't obviously possible.

Posted by John Richard Moser 2006-10-17

xobjflib-0.0.1 Objective-C Library released

The usrbac project is pleased with the recent release of xobjflib-0.0.1, the Extended Object Foundation Library. This is an Objective-C library that supplies highly reusable objects which do not appear in the standards, including a ReadWriteLock, LinkedList, and Log object. We take particular pride in the OLLog logging object, and suggest you check its API out at if you use or are considering using Objective-C. ... read more

Posted by John Richard Moser 2004-06-20

I know XML

This is a late artical, but I now know XML, and am converting the home page of usrbac to XML. This will make it easier and more fun for me to manage the site, which I keep in tune with the development of usrbac.

Users will need the latest IE or Mozilla browsers to view the USRBAC home page at; however, javascript is no longer required for the progress pages. Also, caching daemons such as Squid should handle the site more effectively now, as the xls and css style sheets are reused accross the site.

Posted by John Richard Moser 2004-04-27