
Tree [r6] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 firmware-STR711F 2007-12-14 jdred [r6] stable release
 usb-client-0.1 2007-12-14 jdred [r6] stable release
 usbmoon-driver 2007-12-14 jdred [r6] stable release
 README 2007-12-14 jdred [r6] stable release

Read Me

** USBMOON ** 

Usbmoon is a USB device firmware for STR711f microcontroller 
written in FORTH.
This module handle enumeration phase and enable cominication 
for ENDP1 IN endpoint1 as INTERRUPT mode.

** Folder Description ** 
- Firmware-STR711F 
Contains Forth sorce for STR711 microcontroller.

- usbmoon-driver 
Contain a simple Linux USB module, written in C, for testing 
the firmware module.

- usb-client
It is a very dummy user application that simulate a chat
between Host and target used for testing USB-module from 
FORTH interpreter.