
Linux Security Auditing Tool / News: Recent posts

lsat- released

- fixed code in lsatmain to not throw warning about /etc/*-release being a directory
- fixed implicit decleration warning in checkservices module
- module checknet modified for netstat to give tcp6 output
- module checklogging modified, now uses last including reboots for more information
- module checknet modified to fix arp test and output
- module checkssh added new checks (allowusers/allowgroups/maxauthtries)
Posted by Triode 2019-06-18

lsat- released

A number of added modules and a number of bug fixes. The changelog:
- Fixed warning about file closing in lsatmain
- checkmd5 now checks for sha512sum and uses it if available (linux + mac)
- added checkpkgupdate module which checks for availalbe software updates
- added checkpasstime module to check for password expiration information
- checkdisk output format fixed
- checklogging output format fixed
- checkftpusers modified and output format fixed
- checkrc was not calling main file correctly, also fixed output format
- updated README.modules
- README.excludes was missing a number of modules
- Main README file updated
- Updated lsat man pages

Posted by Triode 2014-06-20

lsat- released

Fixed checklogging module which was returning error on faillog
Added lastlog checks to checklogging module
Gentoo has moved ipconfig and checknet/checknetpromisc was failing, now checks for location
The ipv4 accept redirect check was incorrect in the checkipv4 module
The checkipv4 module now explicitly notes how to enable suggested settings
The module list in modules.html was inconsistent with the lsat package, fixed
checkhosts module was failing on hosts.deny, fixed
checkhosts module was not being run on some systems, fixed
checkservices module was sending improper code for checking on debian, fixed
checkservices module had a typo preventing RedHat/CentOS/etc from working properly, fixed
checkservices now dynamically checks for current runlevel on RedHat/CentOS/Debian

Posted by Triode 2014-05-21


I have been neglecting this portion of the LSAT site... if you want to see the most up to date info and packages visit one of the following:


Thank you.

Posted by Triode 2003-10-17


Well, there have been many rapid fire releases to lsat since the major overhaul (lsat-0.5.0) and this has not been without reason. I am moving out of state and may not be near a computer for up to a week. When I am settled in I will resume work on adding more modules (mostly network modules, some more local system checks and Solaris compatibility (since I should get my Solaris box up later)). Sorry about the previous rapid fire releases. Also note that I have uploaded lsat-0.5.5 again, this time with the file :O

Posted by Triode 2002-05-10