
#27 Make Download Dialog Window Less Verbose


Hello, I really like Uget and I use it daily with Chromium. I have a suggestion: Please make the download dialog window less verbose as there lots of options which are shown. Only the file name and download location should be shown by default and all other option can go to advanced tab or under an expander. Hope you get the idea.


  • C.H. Huang

    C.H. Huang - 2011-05-17

    I will consider it in next development version.

  • C.H. Huang

    C.H. Huang - 2012-08-23
    • status: open --> pending
  • Michael Tunnell

    Michael Tunnell - 2013-01-30

    I disagree with this...a lot of people are afraid of "Advanced" tabs so hiding everything would be a mistake for them as they may never even look.

    I think it would be cool for an option hide elements if a user wants but to make it default, I don't agree.

    Settings -> Minimalist Interface -> Default hides a lot...but what would be cool is the option to hide what you want. For example, I almost always want my downloads to be runnable and I almost never use the login options so I could choose to hide those. That would be awesome.