

Karl Robillard



Orca is a REBOL-like interpreter which can be used under the terms of either the GPL or LGPL.

The interpreter is a C library so that C/C++ applications can use Orca as an embedded scripting system.


The development of Orca has stopped.

Most of the core is complete but many functions and natives are not implemented so only simple scripts can be run. About 50% of natives have some implementation. See the ChangeLog and TODO for a bit more information.

The scripts in the tests/working/ directory run on both Orca and REBOL Core 2.6.0.

Compiling Orca

Obtaining the Source

Use Subversion to checkout the latest code as follows:

svn co


The m2 REBOL script is used to build a Makefile from project.r. You can check it out from

Once the Makefile is built just type 'make'.


Language features can be enabled/disabled by commenting in/out lines from config.r.

Follow these steps:

  1. Edit config.r.
  2. Run 'rebol boot_str.r' to update boot.c.
  3. Run m2 to rebuild the Makefile.
  4. Recompile with 'make clean; make'.

Once Orca has been built it can be used instead of Rebol for running the boot_str.r script.


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