
Tree [21a69c] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 icons 2015-08-20 Karl Robillard Karl Robillard [ec773c] Add feed icons to projects list.
 README 2019-02-28 Karl Robillard Karl Robillard [21a69c] Update to Boron 2.0.0.
 cgi.b 2019-02-28 Karl Robillard Karl Robillard [21a69c] Update to Boron 2.0.0.
 default.css 2015-08-20 Karl Robillard Karl Robillard [ec773c] Add feed icons to projects list.
 deploy 2013-06-01 Karl Robillard Karl Robillard [cb99ab] Import version 0.2.
 send-smtp.b 2019-02-28 Karl Robillard Karl Robillard [21a69c] Update to Boron 2.0.0.
 trish.b 2019-02-28 Karl Robillard Karl Robillard [21a69c] Update to Boron 2.0.0.
 upgrade.b 2015-01-15 Karl Robillard Karl Robillard [09a98b] Import upgrade script.
 user.b 2014-05-10 Karl Robillard Karl Robillard [d64d3a] User Settings: Add Send Email option.

Read Me


:Version: 0.5


Trish is a web based issue tracker written in Boron.


  * Focus on issue tracking (no wiki, VCS viewer, etc.).
  * Have a simple interface that clearly shows important issues.
  * Support multiple projects from a single installation.
  * Have a single user list across all projects.
  * Work without a database.


To install Trish on Linux run the deploy script as root.
First you should check the default configuration with the -h option.

    ./deploy -h

Then run deploy with any configuration changes desired.

    ./deploy -n "My Tracker" -m ""