
0.5.4 out!

Sorry for that 0.5.3 version :P

Our eagerness to release it had a side effect, in the way that several nasty bugs were still present. Downloading failed, and the scheduling of tasks had some 'timing issues'.

However! In 0.5.4, these bugs are fixed and you should be able to profit from all those lovely features from the previous version, as well as some things we added in the meantime. Specifically:

* Browse sets page is New and Improved (tm)
* It's now possible to manually edit set information (1)
* An "I forgot my password" option is added
* The URD menu is now hidden when the user isn't logged in
* Cleaned up some old, obsolete, files
* Fixed a bug that caused URDD to crash for news servers with a large welcome message

(1) We're hoping to have a 'community system' in the next (++?) release, where 1 user's set-changes are automatically made available to all other URD users

Posted by Styck 2008-08-05

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