
0.9.6 release

This version includes some minor syntax changes required to introduce "variable properties" and "variable extensions", a new set of powerful features preparing the way for future differential equation and inverse kinematics integration in URBI.

Due to these changes, you might have to slightly modify your scripts, but the work can be done with a simple 'sed' command as is it just about replacing some text by another. Also, most scripts are unaffected.

A page on urbiforge is dedicated to explaining and describing the changes and new features:

As usual, the 0.9.6 includes also bugfixes and optimizations and it is strongly advised to switch to this new version. The exhaustive technical changelog is here:

Thanks & don't hesitate to use the forum for bug reports, comments or suggestions:

JC Baillie

Posted by JC Baillie 2005-09-10

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