
Tree [r76] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 local 2008-06-11 rnd0110 [r1] initial import of 2.0.0 release
 urbanmediator 2009-05-18 rnd0110 [r74] input tag ended properly
 urbanmediator.buildout 2010-06-08 rnd0110 [r76] jpeglib link changed to the mirror of ghostscri...
 CHANGES.txt 2008-08-16 rnd0110 [r37] for release 2.0.1
 LICENSE.txt 2008-06-11 rnd0110 [r1] initial import of 2.0.0 release 2008-06-11 rnd0110 [r1] initial import of 2.0.0 release
 README.txt 2009-01-04 rnd0110 [r68] docs updated
 README_MAP.txt 2009-01-04 rnd0110 [r67] docs updated alittle bit
 TODO.txt 2009-01-04 rnd0110 [r69] update docs 2008-07-03 rnd0110 [r26] return revision maker script back 2008-06-11 rnd0110 [r1] initial import of 2.0.0 release
 revision.txt 2009-01-04 rnd0110 [r70] version bump 2008-06-11 rnd0110 [r1] initial import of 2.0.0 release 2009-01-04 rnd0110 [r70] version bump

Read Me

Urban Mediator web-server

Urban Mediator (UM) web-server is a software project of Icing research
project WP5 by ARKI research group of Media Lab of Univeristy of Art
and Design Helsinki.

UM utilizes client-server architecture and is a web application with a
usual web interface and mobile one.

Software in the package is under new BSD-like license (see LICENSE.txt)
except for the modules mentioned under Dependencies (they were shipped
with the UM software to make installation of the software easier for the 
end user)

- Andrea Botero Cabrera, ARKI (project management) (2007)
- Eirik Fatland, ARKI (HCI, web design)
- Joonas Juutilainen, ARKI (some graphic design icons)
- Mika Myller, ARKI (software design) (2007)
- Iina Oilinki, ARKI (project management) (2006)
- Tommi Raivio, ARKI (software design, etc)
- Joanna Saad-Sulonen, ARKI (concept and user interface design)
- Roman Susi, ARKI (software design, etc)
- Tuomo Tarkiainen, ARKI (map search)
- Mark van der Putten, ARKI (HCI, web design, 2008)
- Abhigyan Singh, ARKI (usability tests, 2008)

and others.


The developers acknowledge the support for Urban Mediator provided by
the European Commission through FP6 contract number FP6-IST-2004-4 26665
(ICING PROJECT). has been choosen for the framework.
Coordinate conversion given to us by the City Council of Helsinki.
We are in gratitude to the developers of the programs UM depends upon.


Included with the Urban Mediator source code: (UM uses slightly modified version)
    (Open Source license)

    PSF license (same license as the Python)

    MPL license (actually, it can be also distributed under GPL and LGPL)

    BSD License

freefont.ttf  (renamed Tuffy font)
    Public Domain
    has been derived from of
    Public Domain

Captcha code inspired/based on

Icons from ExtFile/ExtImage (meant as temporary, to be replaced soon!):

simplejson (encoder)
    MIT license

json parser from with small modification by Wensheng Wang


- Python 2.4.4 or 2.5.x
- MySQL v 5.0.38 or later
- MySQLdb v 1.2.2 - Python extension module
- (0.22) - pure Python module
- elementtree - pure Python module (present in Python 2.5 readily)
- PIL (1.1.5 or later) - Python extension module
- pyproj (1.8.4 or later) - cartographic transformations and geodetic computations


Install (or check if they are installed) prerequisites mentioned above
according to their instructions for your operating system.

Important: (for web install) get hold of MySQL root password or password of a user
capable of creating new databases and users. In the example below:
root and SeCrEt respectively.

Hint: To setup root password for first time, use mysqladmin command at shell prompt as follows::
    $ mysqladmin -u root password SeCrEt

(you may need to specify the full path to the mysqladmin executable, like
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin )

Installing from tar.gz or zip

Untar and or unzip the package to the place where it will be run from.
(UM doesn't have ready start/stop scripts.)

Choose the port number (say, 9080) and the domain the UM will run
(e.g. localhost).

Go to the um root directory (of just untarred archive)
and run::

    python 9080

Go to the browser::


Fill in the form and press "Setup DB". If everything will go smoothly,
MySQL database and user will be created and tables created in the
databse. If not, webinstall can't be made - manual install is required. (Please, check MySQL root password carefully
before doing webinstall).

Visit local/ and add your changes. Most likely,
these will be needed::

    schema_base_url = base_url + "/static"

WMS server also needs to be specified: is
just to quickly show UM.

Look into `` for more configuration parameters: 
`local/` override `` settings.

Note about manual installation.

Instead of running webinstall:

- create a MySQL database and user with privileges to that DB

- put the latest `sql/*-base.sql` and `sql/*-patch.sql` with numbers greater than those of base.sql.

- put connection into `local/` as follows (example only)::

      db_parameters = dict(dbn='mysql', db='um_db', user='um', pw='*secret*')

- other configuration parameters

Running: can be done (in screen, for example)::

    python 9080

UM instance variable data is stored in the ~/.urban_mediator
(files as well as cached feeds and map tiles), docs, local
and in the MySQL database. (I.e., to move UM instance,
one should copy them all to the new place.). Logs are writted 
to stderr/stdout..

Installing from the egg

When UrbanMediator will be available in the PyPI, it
should be as easy as::

    east_install urban_mediator

Before that, download the egg file (the name is something like

To install UM in the user space, setup PYTHONPATH to the
directory of choice (for example, in shell configuration file
like this::

    export PYTHONPATH=/my/um/directory;other posible pathes

    easy_install --install-dir=/my/um/directory urbanmediator-2.0_6409-py2.5.egg

After that, 

create a directory `/my/um/directory/local`

and put, and other possible files.

To start web installer::

    /my/um/directory/install_urbanmediator_server 9080

To start the server::

    /my/um/directory/start_urbanmediator_server 9080

There is no way to stop the server but killing it.
file called PID with the server's process id
can be found in the /my/um/directory

Working with buildout

Developers may prefer to use buildout provided now with UM.
Setuputils should be installed before bootstrapping buildout first
(easy_install setuputils or other way)
Go to urbanmediator.buildout dir and run:


if everything goes well, then run:


All forgotten prerequisites will cause errors at this step. Install appropriate
development libraries according to your OS procedures.

E.g. on Linux Ubuntu 8.10 these packages may be needed:

setuptools, zlib1g-dev, libfreetype6-dev, libmysqlclient15-dev, gettext

(please note, that buildout downloads sources and compiles its own Python and some libraries.
That is why list of prerequisites is different from what is needed to just run UM.)

Known issues

UrbanMediator software is designed to be a tool-kit for creation of specific city-citizens and/or citizens-citizens interactions. The main value is not software itself but the services it provides. The software itself is, however, not void of certain problems, bugs and limitations. Those are listed below in know specific order. (Issues, marked with "--" were solved)

1. Some glitches are possible with OpenLayers map portrayal depending on the browser. For example, click point shift may occur in some relatively rare cases.

2. Starting and stopping software is not automated. At the moment, on some platforms process should be explicitly killed to be stopped, especially, if there are active users fetching pages

--3. Search engines do not index UM pages due to some meta tags.

--4. Restarting UM back-end makes users logout

--5. No paging of comments, points, list in 1.0 beta(solved in the new UI)

--6. No way to add tags after point has been created (solved in the new UI)

--7. Sign-up disrupts user contribution (thus, user should sign up with UM beforehand or use Visitor account)

8. Problems with uploading large files on some platforms (limit about 2Mb)

9. Web installer is not user-friendly

10. When switching language, form entries are lost

--11. No way to relocate a point once created

12. Out-of-extent locations are not properly handled

13. Comments HTML is not sanitized enough at the moment (this may be security problem for the users with vulnerable browsers is malicious JavaScript is 
included by another user)

--14. Deletions from the database are not journalled

--15. Delay in loading Front page (and maybe other pages) caused by MySQL query on Mac OS X 10.4 (works fine on Linux Ubuntu/Debian)

16. New point policy "registered" is not enforced enough - visitors can still add points

17. There maybe some rough edges do to switch to OpenLayers 2.7