
UnsignedByte / News: Recent posts

Project on hold for a bit

Since the 'sponsors', that is, the people at Legilimensia who come up with the next brilliant idea to implement, are currently all busy with Real Life as well, the project is on hold for a bit. Perhaps the oncoming summer vacation will give the project a boost. A new news item will be posted if there is any new news.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-05-24

Includes sorted!

Using a python script all '#include' directives were sorted and stripped of abundant newlines. The script can be found in the /src directory for those interested.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-22

IC improvements

More IC improvements have been made, mainly to displaying chunks and exits. The 'table' like view has been replaced with a more regular textual representation. Check out the latest snapshot (and changelog) for more detail.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-19

Usability improvments

A 'quit' command was added to the movement editor, now both hitting enter/typing quit will bring you back to normal playing mode. A 'exits' command was added to help navigation, it is far from optimal at the moment, and will be tweaked later to show 'real' direction names instead of a bunch of values.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-17

Try it out!

With the new '--examples=n' switch in the Initializer you can now choose to have an example area created in which you can try out movement! This is only usable if you run './Initialize --examples=3' (doesn't work for other sizes yet). Also, if you ran './Initialize' without the '--examples=3' before you will have to delete your database file. This is because there is no 'goto' command yet and characters are put in the default '1' chunk when created (which is 'the void' if you run the Initializer without arguments). Of course, instead the sqlite3 program may be used instead to set the chunk a character is in to '2'.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-15


Of course, untested features should usually not be considered 'done'. The same was true for movement. It has been fixed now however, and true IC movement is now possible.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-14

Movement, Exits, Directions

In the latest snapshot the Exit system has been fleshed out. Also, directions have been defined with the help of Coordinates. As such, it was possible to add a direction parser (using boost::spirit). IC movement should now be possible with 'go <direction>'.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-14

Logging, exceptions, and movement

Logging to an errorlog was added when a crash occurs. Exceptions were added to be more verbose when 'something goes wrong'. Work has been started on a movement editor that is capable of parsing arbitrary long and complex strings of directions.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-13

Development stalled

As a result of personal circumstances development stalled after last snapshot. It will hopefully be resumed this weekend.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-12

No crash-log, cleanup instead!

Instead of creating a crash-log the project structure was improved once more. Instead of putting everything in one subdir, there are now two levels in the 'src' directory for 'DB' and 'Core'. Also, all Savables and their respective Managers have been moved from Core to DB. All Managers were de-singleton-ized and a 'Managers' singleton was created to hold them all.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-06

Next snapshot tonight

Next snapshot will be posted tonight. Clusters (a building-related unit between areas and rooms) were added yesterday. Tonight's snapshot will probably also include logging and a pre-crash data-dump. That is, when the game crashes it tries to quit gracefully, besides this a file will be created with information on the cause of the crash.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-06

Early locking

Early locking has been implemented as of this snapshot. This means that editors will first try to aquire a lock if the command to be executed needs this. This has been done with some more 'reflection' that was added by the means of a new CommandInfoObject template. (See the documentation for more details, which can be found at .)

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-05

Snapshot available

As promised a snapshot has been posted. Locking is fully implemented now! However, locking detection happens too late however, work is being done to remedy this.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-04

No snapshot

Currently 'Core' is not fully functional. To be exact, it is impossible to use the OLC editor to edit something as a result of adding locking to SavableManager. This will be fixed tomorrow, so a snapshot will be made available within 24 hours.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-02

DAL refactoring

More work on has been done on the DAL.
As of this snapshot full separation between table definition and the generated table has been reached (there was still a dependency on the definition in the initializer). Also, complete separation between Sqlite and the rest of the DAL is completed. As a result adding MySql support is now really as easy as creating a MySQLMgr class.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-02

More cleaning, DAL improved

Major improvements to the DAL have been made since the last snapshot. A full separation between the Def's and the Impl's has been realized. As such the Table declarations are no longer needed at runtime. Table definitions may now be specified in, for example, XML, before generation. (This is not implemented, but it is now possible)

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-04-01

Springs cleaning, Doxygen available

A Springs cleaning has been long overdue. As such the repository has been cleaned up and restructured. More details will be available in tonight's changelog. Meanwhile a Doxyfile has been added to the repository which will generate Doxygen for the project. At the moment we do not have a lot of Doxycomments yet, but an effort will be undertaken to alleviate this. For now, the output pages can be found at .

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-03-29

Snapshot posted

A new snapshot has been posted. A lot of work has been done to get the 'help' system working, including improvements to the Initializer and the Generator. Please check out the snapshot or have a look at .

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-03-29


A lot of behind-the-snapshots work has been done in the past few days. A new snapshot that reflects this work has been posted. Have a look at the latest changelog for more details.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-03-26

DAL work completed.

The work on the DAL has been completed and the changes have been merged into master. Please check out the latest snapshot. The changelog will be updated tomorrow to be more exhaustive.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-03-20

Nothing today

There will be no snapshot today, currently work is being done improving the DAL. Support for selecting multiple Savables is already finished, also support for filtering this result on one field is complete. This work is being done on a separate branch, so there has been no change in the master branch. As soon as Inner Joins are finished the branch will be merged with master and will a snapshot will be posted. This should be either tomorrow or the day after.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-03-18

We're still here!

After a short period of silence we're back with another snapshot. Please see the changelog for details. As things look are currently there should be a steady stream of snapshots from now on again.
As requested by Vegard Nossum (one of the developer) there is now one single makefile. Instead of having to build more then one makefile a regular 'make' is now sufficient.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-03-14

Build instructions

As announced a README has been added to the project containing build instructions. They can be found in the latest snapshot of the sourcecode, or ofcourse at .

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-01-23

Initial release

A snapshot of the source code has been uploaded, you can find the repository at . It's a fast host and reliable git host. A README will be uploaded or added to the source with build instructions soon.

Posted by Sverre Rabbelier 2008-01-22