
Unnamed-RPG Does the Dirty Work

Unnamed-RPG. Why is it unnamed? That's because Unnamed-RPG (URPG) is your RPG.

"Huh? What are you talking about," you ask? It's simple. URPG isn't named because you are the creator of your role-playing game. The URPG project was created to develop a system of tools and automatic code generators for use in development based on the Rolemaster(TM) laws (or rule sets).

"Wait, back up. What is this 'Rolemaster'?" Well, Rolemaster is a set of books, much like D&D(TM), which outline a set of "laws" that are guidelines for role-playing. Where Rolemaster differs from D&D is in it's complexity. Rolemaster is a much more complex system of rules. So complex even, that sitting down to play it is very involved and time-consuming.

"So why would I want that? It sounds like too much work." Indeed you are right, it is a lot of work and a lot of book keeping and so on. That's where we come in.

Our goal is to develop a system of tools to help developers design games and software on this amazing and complex system. To date, most role-playing games are based on some form of D&D-style rules. When broken down most of these games amount to the same thing. With Rolemaster-style rules a developer can accomplish complex game-play features such as damage to limbs and other parts of the body, effects of blood-loss, wounds that can affect players, and much more. With our system developers can achieve this with minimal effort; all the Rolemaster-related coding has been done for you, letting you concentrate on more important issues, such as story or graphics for example. The tools give you the pieces of the puzzle, and it's up to you to decide what the finished product will be.

"Sounds great, so what is this tool set you keep mentioning? Does it have a name?" Yes it does. We have dubbed it the Game Master System Toolkit, or GMST. Our current plans for GMST include features such as being able to "plan" your game into XML data sheets using our provided XML Schemas (and example XML sheets), which will be used by GMST to automatically import your original content into the code as it is generated to your specification. As the developers, you come up with the finer details and specify to GMST how to include it into your design. The XML sheets can be modified and expanded-upon at any time throughout development and GMST will automatically update the appropriate portions of the code. If you plan on using a database back-end to your game, GMST will even auto-generate all the proper tables for you or update any new data to an existing database for each subsequent release/update to your finished product.

GMST, however, is not soley intended for large projects like role-playing games. GMST can be used to design smaller, more specific applications, such as a program to help you do your book keeping for a pen and paper role-playing game perhaps.

You decide what to build, we'll do the messy work for you.

Posted by Kevin Lanni 2004-10-16

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