
Unmaintained Free Software / News: Recent posts

New Wiki

Hi all,

after quite a long time of inactivity, the Unmaintained Free Software project is alive and well again!

We now run the site using a public wiki ( where everyone can edit and add stuff!

If you want to be the new maintainer of any of the unmaintained projects, just go ahead, add yourself as the maintainer in the wiki and start coding ;-)

We also welcome all contributions, suggestions and discussions.... read more

Posted by Uwe Hermann 2005-04-07

Domain relocation, possible downtime.

Hi everyone,

I'm moving the domain to another hosting service, hence there might be a few hours/days "downtime". Please use in the mean-time.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Posted by Uwe Hermann 2004-02-09

Domain works again...


The domain works as expected again.


Posted by Uwe Hermann 2002-03-06

Domain probably down...

Hi all,

The domain seems to be down at the moment. I don't know the exact reason, and maybe it'll take some time until it works as expected again...

In the meantime you can always use, which should work correctly...


Posted by Uwe Hermann 2002-02-28

Released 0.6.7

Hi everyone,

I almost forgot to announce the release of unmaintained 0.6.7 here...

This release features several bugfixes and new code to log the search-queries entered by the users. Have a look at the ChangeLog for details...


Posted by Uwe Hermann 2002-02-28

Released 0.6.6

Hi all,

I just released version 0.6.6 of 'unmaintained'. This is mainly a bugfix release. Check the ChangeLog for details.


Posted by Uwe Hermann 2002-02-17

Released 0.6.5

Hi all.

I'm proud to announce the 0.6.5 release of unmaintained.

This release features a new FAQ, several bugfixes, and - most important of all - new hit tracking features. There are counters for project record hits, project homepage URL hits and project download URL hits...


Posted by Uwe Hermann 2001-11-26

Released unmaintained 0.6.4


I just released version 0.6.4 of unmaintained.

Have fun.


Posted by Uwe Hermann 2001-11-16

Released unmaintained 0.6.3

Hi everyone,

here's another release which adds even more statistics and some smaller improvements and *lots* of bugfixes...



Posted by Uwe Hermann 2001-10-03

Released unmaintained 0.6.2

Hi everyone,

I'm glad to announce a new relaese of unmaintained.

The most important changes in this release are the new 'TOP10 Licenses' statistic and the new Newsforge syndication box. It also features several bugfixes and minor improvements...

Two other important changes:
* Any 'free-ish' license is allowed now, not just DFSG-free licenses. Commercial projects are still *not* allowed, though, and source code must always be provided...
* If a project has not been updated in over 2 years (neither homepage, nor a new release nor CVS activity etc...) then you can email the author and ask if he still maintains the project. If he doesn't, or you don't hear from him within 2 weeks, you can add that project to Unmaintained Free Software.... read more

Posted by Uwe Hermann 2001-09-23

Released unmaintained 0.6.1

Hi everybody.

I just released unmaintained 0.6.1 which features several bugfixes, some more staticstics and misc. other features...


Posted by Uwe Hermann 2001-08-26

Released unmaintained 0.6...

Hi everyone,

I just released version 0.6 of the code behind the Unmaintained Free Software site.

This is the first release in roughly one year, and it features lots of improvements and new features...
Read the ChangeLog for details.

Visit us at

Posted by Uwe Hermann 2001-06-30

Unmaintained Free Software - Unmaintained Free Software is an index of orphaned Free Software projects.
I just released version 0.4 of the code behind this site.

Any contributions of code or any announces of unmaintained software-packages are welcome.

Posted by Uwe Hermann 2000-06-16