
UCS@school 5.0 v4 Released

The patch level release UCS@school 5.0 v4 from the beginning of August comes
with a whole range of improvements for our school software solution UCS@school
which I would like to share with you in this article.

Creating User Names

Until now, when importing users, it was not systematically checked whether the
naming conventions of Windows were adhered to. We have made this subsequently,
so that an error message is displayed when attempting to create a user name
with non-valid characters.

If users whose username does not comply with the UCS@school convention have
already been created in your system, you can import users as before by
overriding this check via UCR variable ucsschool/validation/username/windows- check. Please note that disabling the check will no longer be an option in
version UCS 5.2, which is scheduled for release at the end of this year.

Unlocking the Self-Service Function for School Users

While the integration of self-service (in German) previously only gave members of the domain user
group access to the self-service portal tile, it is now also available to
school users, giving them the option to change their own password.

Hooks when Importing Computers

From now on, so-called hooks can be used when importing computers. These hooks
integrate external code in order to pass additional information. Usually, this
is additional information such as the Mac address or a second IP address.

Configurable Password Policies

UCS has long offered the possibility of configuring password policies, but
these were only observed under UCS. They can now also be applied when creating
UCS@school users.

Release Notes

You will find a complete list of new features and changes in our
changelog. If you have any suggestions or ideas for
improvement, we welcome your feedback here on the blog or on

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-08-11

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