
UCS@school Kelvin REST API Update to Version 1.8.0

Using the UCS@school Kelvin REST API app, you can conveniently create,
delete or modify UCS@school user and class objects via a REST interface.
Unlike the import function and manual interventions via the web interface, it
is less error-prone and can be addressed automatically.

We have now released an updated version for the REST API, which you can find
in the Univention App Center and integrate into your UCS environment.

New features of version 1.8.0:

Evaluation of password policies, language settings and attributes for roles

Password policies allow administrators to specify which characters may be
used or how long passwords must be to be accepted. Previously, the policies
were only evaluated during editing, i.e. via the PUT and PATCH endpoints.

password policy Kelvin REST API

With the new version of the REST API, you can now evaluate password policies
even while users are being created. A new configuration option allows you to
enable this new feature yourself. By default, the old behavior remains

In requests against the API, the language setting in the system can also
be passed. If an error message occurs, e.g. that the password policy has not
been met, the message will be displayed to the users in the passed system

There is another new feature for the attribute 'UCS@school role'.

From now on, you can use this attribute to store project-specific roles of the
users. For example, a user with the role "student" in the project
"TestProject" at the school "School1" receives the value

In order to trigger or explicitly prohibit a certain action, the attribute can
be evaluated in a specially written hook (German), for

This way, different behavior can be realized for different contexts.
UCS@school standard roles remain unchangeable and cannot be edited, removed or

A complete list of changes, as well as important notes, can be found in the
UCS@school Kelvin REST API changelog before updating the app.

Der Beitrag UCS@school Kelvin REST API Update to Version
erschien zuerst auf Univention.


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-02-16

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