

Jin Asanami / Hayate Nakamura

Nako is an Arch User Repository helper software with Pacman wrapper functionality that is being developed as a sub-project of UVE.
The name comes from "Nako Akahira", a character in the audio drama "Sakuragi Academy Soothing Society".


You can install nakounivalent-stable in the official UVE repository. In addition to the stable version, a development version, nako-git AUR, is available in AUR.

Operations (partial)

Although not yet complete, it works with the same syntax as Pacman, for example:

Operation Command (Reference) Similar Commands in APT
Update package lists and installed packages nako -Syu apt update && apt upgrade
Install package(s) nako -S <pkgname1> <pkgname2> apt install <pkgname1> <pkgname2>
Search binary and AUR packages nako -Ss <word1> <word2> apt search <word1> <word2>
List remote binary packages nako -Sl <repo> apt list
Install from the package file(s) on local nako -U <path to package1> <path to package2> apt install <path to package1> <path to package2>
Uninstall package(s) nako -R <pkgname1> <pkgname2> apt remove <pkgname1> <pkgname2>
Uninstall with dependencies nako -Rn <pkgname1> <pkgname2> apt remove --autoremove <pkgname1> <pkgname2>
Purge package(s) nako -Rs <pkgname1> <pkgname2> apt purge <pkgname1> <pkgname2>
Uninstall unnecessary package(s) nako -Nc
nako -Rns $(nako -Qtdq)
apt autoremove --purge
List installed packages nako -Q apt list --installed
List installed packages (names only) nako -Qq
List unnecessary package(s) nako -Qtdq apt --dry-run autoremove | grep -oP '^Remv \K[^ ]+'

We also plan to implement Yay-like functionality.


Wiki: Arch_User_Repository