Here we list various standards that we jointly, as the administration team (Ben, Conor, Paul), hold as vital to maintaining the quality of code generated as part of this project.
Topic Branches
- Branches that are flagged for merger into the master branch need to be prefixed with "
- example: "
- Temporary or personal branches should be prefixed with the developer's user name
- ex.1: "
- ex.2: "
- Before adding/removing files to commit dealing with anything outside of the Assets folder, close down Unity and Mono before adding anything and committing.
- Topic branches are to be merged into master via: "
git merge --no-ff --log
" and should primarily be done after review process (TBD) (usually done by Paul at this point in time).
Scripting Code
- Use Mono as Unity provides.
Scene Editing and Committing
- Because of the way that Unity save's its scene files (as binary files), only one person may be working on any particular scene, in a permanent manner, at a time. Its not really possible to merge binary files...