
UniMod / News: Recent posts

New functionality added - FSML

FSML (Finite State Machine Language) is a textual programming language to describe finite state machines. It provides you with the alternative way of creating UniMod automaton models. Corresponding documentation can be found at

Posted by Ivan Lagunov 2008-06-20

Full featured sample projects at

A number of full featured sample UniMod projects are published at Site is dedicated to Automata-Based Programming and Foundation for Open Porject Documentation. That's why all published UniMod projects have full and open documentation.

These projects are also available in Russian at

Posted by Maxim Mazin 2007-01-23

Build 1.3.38 released

Minor Java source code generator bugs fixed

Posted by Maxim Mazin 2006-09-28

Build 1.3.37 released

UniMod builders enhanced:
- Builder configuration dialogs appeared
- It is possible to turn off some of UniMod builders
- Method main added to generated Java class. So it can be executed like runtime XML.

Posted by Maxim Mazin 2006-09-15

UniMod Wiki

Posted by Vadim Gurov 2006-04-14

Tutorial on Automata Based Programming (ABP)

Tutorial on Automata Based Programming (ABP) is planned to be held at The International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR-2006 ( Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 8th - 12th June 2006

Check out first call for participation

Posted by Maxim Mazin 2006-02-17

Build released

Critical validation bug fixed. Now validation became much faster and reliable.

It's possible to install update from Eclipse using UniMod update site Note that release published on update side doesn't include viewlets and so it has size about 5MB.

Posted by Maxim Mazin 2006-01-10

UniMod 1.3

1. Update site
Now UniMod could be installed from the update site

2. Help
Some help was added.

3. Bug fixes
- Output action in state is generated for java source codegen

4. Samples
Samples moved to separate feature. To find out how to install sample see help.

Posted by Maxim Mazin 2005-12-07

UniMod 1.2.15 supports JDK1.5

New UniMod 1.2.15 supports JDK1.5 and arbitrary events names

Posted by Vadim Gurov 2005-09-14

Articles section added to UniMod site

Now UniMod site has Articles section and the first article in it: Automatic Layout of State Diagrams.

Posted by Maxim Korotkov 2005-09-07

Build 01.02.013 supports Eclipse 3.1

New UniMod Build 01.02.013 now supports Eclipse 3.1

Posted by Vadim Gurov 2005-07-14

UniMod 2: Next Step

UniMod team is pleased to announce start of development of next version of UniMod. New version will be based on such technologies as JDK 1.5, Eclipse 3.1, Eclipse UML2, GEF 3.1. New version will contain more features, more samples, more docs. What would you like to see in new version?

Posted by Vadim Gurov 2005-06-22

UniMod was presented at seminar of SPB IEEE section

UniMod was presented at seminar of St.-Petersburg IEEE section.
Presentation materials in russian are located at

Posted by Vadim Gurov 2005-03-25

UniMod was presented at JUG meeting

UniMod was presented by
eVelopers Corporation at Saint-Petersburg Java User Group (JUG) meeting held
on February, 26-th 2005.

During the meeting eVelopers demonstrated usage of UniMod
tool for development J2ME applications. Usage of UniMod
for J2ME development is the next step
to creation unified metodology in application
development process.

You can download presentation and viewlet

Posted by Maxim Korotkov 2005-03-14

Build 01.02.011 released

- Improved autocompletion: full descriptions of actions and events are shown in completion-vairants popup window now;
- New statechart layouter enabled;
- Multithread debugging implemented.

Posted by Maxim Mazin 2005-02-22

New animated demo available

New demo demonstrates diagram debugging process.

Posted by Vadim Gurov 2005-02-04

New build contains auto-complete feature

Auto-complete feature allows you to edit faster labels on diagrams such as include state machines, transition labels, output effects.
To try feature, go to transition label and press Cntrl+Space.

Posted by Vadim Gurov 2005-02-04

New version with statechart debugger released

New version of UniMod with statechart debugger released. Updated documentation is not available yet. Local and remote debugging are available. For local debugging select "Debug" from statechart context menu. To add breakpoint use special tool on statechart page. To use remote debugger - start model somewhere using standalone or servlet adapter, then in Eclipse open Run->Debug->UniMod Remote, define remote host and port and press Debug.

Posted by Vadim Gurov 2005-01-14

UniMod Site Design was updated

See in new Xmas design

Posted by Vadim Gurov 2004-12-28

Upcoming version of UniMod features

New version will contain debugger (!!!) for Statecharts, autocompletion, enchanced runtime engine.

Posted by Vadim Gurov 2004-11-18

Plugin for Eclipse is Released! We've created own UML editor

UniMod was TOTALY refactored. We removed plugin for ArgoUML and created new plugin for Eclipse. More documentation and samples are available now.

Posted by Vadim Gurov 2004-09-23

Plugin for Eclipse

We are developing GEF based plugin for Exclipse for modelling UniMod diagrams. Alfa version will be release in a month. Hold on!

Posted by Vadim Gurov 2004-05-28

Build 01.01.006 released

1. Compiling approach support has been added. ArgoUML plugin now can generate C++ files for Symbian SDK!
2. State machine DTD changed to support state machine references inside state tag and to support distinct ConfigStore for every state machine.
3. A lot of bugs fixed in plugin.

Posted by Vadim Gurov 2004-03-25

Build 01.01.005 released

Minor bug fixed. New sample "Persistence" added. This sample shows how to store state machine configuration to persistent storage.

Posted by Maxim Mazin 2004-02-24

Site update was updated. Files in release 01.01.004 were changed.

Posted by Maxim Mazin 2004-02-10