
Tree [d44d13] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 converters 2011-02-20 einarin einarin [0f0aee] fixed windows ExecHelper to only create output ...
 docs 2011-06-25 FudgeMutator FudgeMutator [507097] Merge remote branch 'origin/devel' into devel
 formats 2011-05-23 einarin einarin [15e4a7] now more or less working as designed, some work...
 images 2011-06-25 FudgeMutator FudgeMutator [14cf10] Added an icon file and the resource for visual ...
 menu 2011-03-17 krissj krissj [f639a5] Merge remote branch 'origin/devel' into devel
 misc 2011-06-25 einarin einarin [d44d13] added modified control from 0.3
 plugins 2011-06-25 FudgeMutator FudgeMutator [fc241d] Merge remote branch 'origin/devel' into devel
 src 2011-06-25 FudgeMutator FudgeMutator [e0c723] Merge remote branch 'origin/devel' into devel
 .gitmodules 2011-06-07 einarin einarin [23602f] Merge commit '6ac1976d541081828b30d95c548b53e0a...
 COPYING 2010-09-14 Einarin Einarin [4cabd1] added example code that execs lame to convert a...
 Doxyfile 2011-03-17 krissj krissj [f639a5] Merge remote branch 'origin/devel' into devel
 README 2011-06-25 FudgeMutator FudgeMutator [507097] Merge remote branch 'origin/devel' into devel

Read Me

-     _    _       _                          _       -
-    | |  | |     (_)                        | |      -
-    | |  | |_ __  ___   _____ _ __ ___  __ _| |      -
-    | |  | | '_ \| \ \ / / _ \ '__/ __|/ _` | |      -
-    | |__| | | | | |\ V /  __/ |  \__ \ (_| | |      -
-     \____/|_| |_|_| \_/ \___|_|  |___/\__,_|_|      -
-                                                     -
-                                                     -
-                                                     -
-            ____        _        _                   -
-           |  _ \      | |      | |                  -
-           | |_) | __ _| |_  ___| |__                -
-           |  _ < / _` | __|/ __| '_ \               -
-           | |_) | (_| | |_| (__| | | |              -
-           |____/ \__,_|\__|\___|_| |_|              -
-                                                     -
-                                                     -
-                                                     -
-     _____                           _               -
-    / ____|                         | |              -
-   | |      ___  _ ____   _____ _ __| |_  ___ _ __   -
-   | |     / _ \| '_ \ \ / / _ \ '__| __|/ _ \ '__|  -
-   | |____| (_) | | | \ V /  __/ |  | |_|  __/ |     -
-    \_____|\___/|_| |_|\_/ \___|_|   \__|\___|_|     -

Version 0.3

to build you need cmake, QT development files, and boost thread and filesystem development files

| Installation |

C++ compiler
Boost filesystem, thread, and regex

for Ubuntu you can get all the build dependencies with
sudo apt-get install build-essential libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-regex-dev libqt4-dev cmake 

To build and install:
	mkdir build
	cd build
	cmake ../src
	sudo make install

Installation details:
create a build directory (much cleaner that way): 'mkdir build'
enter it: 'cd build'

run 'cmake <path-to-src>' for a basic build
	pass -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug to build with debugging symbols
	pass -G and a generator to create build files for a specific build environment
if you don't know what those are, you don't need them
if you didn't use a generator, it defaults to using Makefiles. In that case you can build with
make, and install with make install (as root)

we don't have a formal installation yet, all the files needed to run are included, assuming the program is run from the root folder

Download and install cmake, boost, and qt4 development files.
The easiest way to do this is with ports. With ports run:
sudo port install boost cmake qt4-mac-devel 
to install the dependencies

to build and install:
	mkdir build
	cd build
	cmake ../src -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64
you now have a working installation in your current directory. ./unibatchconv will run the program.

|    Usage     |
just run unibatchconv, a shortcut was installed in the Sound & Video menu as well
please note files are currently recognized entirely by filename extension, there are no checks to verify the format yet

Format Support (must be in path or current working directory on windows):
for OGG Vorbis support install vorbis tools (oggenc and oggdec)
for FLAC support install FLAC
for MP3 support install LAME
for all image file formats install Imagemagick
for MP2 support install TWOLAME
for document support install Sun Java, and make sure the apache tika jar is in the current working directory
for MIDI input support install Timidity++
for wavpack support install wavpack
for AAC support install FAAC/FAAD
for Celt(OGA) support install Celt - note this codec is still in development with and unstable bitstream, files you make are not guaranteed to work.
for playing audio files install mplayer, and convert to soundwaves :)

Category icons courtesy of the Tango Project.