

Juan Jose Pablos

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 10/01/10 02:33:03

Installing windows 7 from the net

Those are just some notes about a implementation of how to install windows 7/vista from the net using Windows Preinstallation Environment. It does not mean that is going to be the final way to do it. But it is just a start. You can find initial documentation on the ticket #3

TFTP Server Ready for windows

Windows need to be special isnt?. In order this stuff to work a remap needs to be done by the tftp server to map a \ to / .No all the tftp server support remaping under debian you can use tftpd-hpa

apt-get install tftpd-hpa
  • Modify the default value under /etc/default/tftpd-hpa

    OPTIONS="-l -s /srv/tftp -m /srv/tftp/tftpd.remap"
  • Create a file called tftpd.remap and save under the tftp root directory

    gr \\ /

Automated Installation Kit

  • Copy source:/trunk/winpe/aik.bat to unattended/install/scripts
  • execute the prepare script.
  • you will find a iso image under unattended/updates/common/
  • burn this iso on a cd (or use a virtual machine to mount it)
  • install on c:\aik

Set up enviroment

 cd \aik\tools\petools\
 copype.cmd x86 c:\winpe_x86

create pxe image


You will get a guid that you need to write down for the next command modify bcd.bat and you are set


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