
Test Nr.1

Juan Jose Pablos

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 02/01/10 13:30:18

This method works! :-) -- [DeRamon] DateTime(2008-01-15T14:23:37Z)?

Useful links

My Enviroment

WinXP SP2 that works

  • z:\os\winxpsp2\i386\

is copied to

  • z:\os\test-01\i386\

File DriverFiles?.zip is downloaded from

as written in

and unpacked to

  • v:\install\00_Driverpack\DriverFiles\

On Linux-Server

cd /srv/unattended/install/00_Driverpack/DriverFiles

convmv --notest --lower *

mv SetupCopyOEMInf.exe setupinf.exe

mv WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe watchdrv.exe

sed -i s/WatchDriverSigningPolicy/watchdrv/g drivers.cmd

sed -i s/SetupCopyOEMInf/setupinf/g drivers.cmd

mkdir /srv/unattended/install/os/test-01/i386/\$oem\$/

cp * /srv/unattended/install/os/test-01/i386/\$oem\$/

Include Drivers packed via File Drivers.7z. Because I only need the LAN-Drivers, I just renamed the file:

cp DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_7121.7z /srv/unattended/install/os/test-01/i386/\$oem\$/drivers.7z

So you get this for the winxpsp2-Folder:


15.01.2008 14:31:46 A-----            489.472  7za.exe

30.01.2008 12:29:58 A-----        341.137.117  drivers.7z

15.01.2008 14:31:46 A-----              1.336  drivers.cmd

15.01.2008 14:31:46 A-----             25.088  nircmd.exe

15.01.2008 14:31:46 A-----             53.248  process.exe

15.01.2008 14:31:46 A-----             20.992  setupinf.exe

15.01.2008 14:31:46 A-----              3.584  watchdrv.exe


                                  341.731.677  8 Dateien

Now edit

vim /srv/unattended/install/lib/unattend.txt

and add




DetachedProgram = cmd.exe

Arguments = "/Q /C FOR /F %? IN ('FINDSTR/B dospath= %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\$WINNT$.INF') DO (SET %?\&& CALL START /MIN %dospath:\\=\%$OEM$\drivers.cmd)"

Does it work? Check it!

If you're using the method above the directory %SystemDrive%\Drivers should be created and filled with the packed drivers (usually c:\drivers).


Wiki: BTSDriverPacks