
UML/Dot / News: Recent posts

We have new developers!

Three people have responded to my call for developers for this project.

I've just checked the CVS and noticed that Ibrahim has started some cleaning-up, doubtlessly a good thing :)

Keep up the good work!

Posted by Walter Stroebel 2004-06-29

Identity change.

This project has been transferred to a new admin alias, which is still the same person (me).
I'm starting a new job which means I will have A LOT less time to work on Open Source development.
Therefore I'm asking support to further the development of this project. It has a surprisingly high rating, considering I did nothing to it since November last year, so it seems quite viable.

Posted by Walter Stroebel 2004-06-23

Initial release

You will find the first (beta) release in the files section. There is a source and a binary .JAR file.

Posted by Walter Stroebel 2003-11-10

Status as of 2003-11-07

CVS is online and the source is in there. The adventurous may do a checkout and try to build it using Ant and the supplied build.xml.

Posted by Walter Stroebel 2003-11-07

Status as of 2003-11-05

The project has been approved by the SF staff. Unfortunately there seems to be a problem with its CVS repository so I cannot upload the source.

The application is working as intended at this point but is not quite ready for general "consumption" :)

I hope to be able to submit an initial version by this weekend.

Posted by Walter Stroebel 2003-11-05