
UML2EJB / News: Recent posts

UML2EJB 1.3.1 reads XMI 1.2 and UML 1.4

UML2EJB is a code generator that builds XDoclet-tagged EJBs from UML models. The models come from CASE tools like Poseidon, Rational Rose and Together ControlCenter. UML2EJB reads XMI format files containing the metadata.

The new release features compatibility to XMI 1.2 and UML 1.4, both of which makes it ready to read files created by the very latest Poseidon release (1.5). Now, users are able to leverage all the new features of Poseidon and the fascinating performance increase over 1.4.1.... read more

Posted by Matthias Bohlen 2002-12-21

UML2EJB 1.3.0 released - new sample app included

UML2EJB generates XDoclet-tagged Enterprise JavaBeans from Unified Modeling Language (UML) models. The new release contains a completely revamped sample application that shows the power of model-driven, automatic EJB generation. It is a web based J2EE app that models a car rental company. The company has customers and an inventory of cars that can be rented.

Another highlight of the new release are templates that generate Struts components.... read more

Posted by Matthias Bohlen 2002-12-03

UML2EJB release 1.1.0 supports JAXB 1.0-beta!

These days, SUN has released the new Java architecture for XML bindin, release 1.0-beta. We had to change the UML2EJB generator for Enterprise JavaBeans to make a stable platform available to our users.

Have fun!
Matthias Bohlen

Posted by Matthias Bohlen 2002-10-29

UML2EJB new release 1.0.5 is now production stable!

UML2EJB is a code generator - it takes a Unified Modeling Language (UML) model from a CASE-tool in XMI format and generates Enterprise JavaBeans classes with tags for the XDoclet tool. You will get EJBs that can readily be deployed into JBoss and others. There is a new, improved release of UML2EJB named 1.0.5. Due to contributions from new developers and testers, the generator became stable, systematic and shining.... read more

Posted by Matthias Bohlen 2002-10-14

UML2EJB is looking for more beta testers

UML2EJB, the open source, model-driven generator for J2EE components, is approaching production level quality. UML2EJB is already being used in several EJB projects - now, the development team looks for more beta testers so that the code is well tested before the project marks itself as "development status: production".

Why should you care?

Born during summer 2002 and published on SourceForge, it has become a really valuable tool for template-based generation of EJBs (and related classes) out of UML models. It is implemented as a custom task for Ant and reads models from popular CASE tools like Poseidon, Rational Rose and Together via the XML metadata interchange (XMI) file format.... read more

Posted by Matthias Bohlen 2002-09-18

UML2EJB: New release 1.0.4

There is a new, improved release of UML2EJB. Due to contributions from new developers, several feature requests could be implemented and the generator became more stable, systematic and shining. Generating Enterprise JavaBeans from UML models automatically becomes easier every day.

More users are doing projects with it although it is still beta. Their invaluable feedback made UML2EJB almost production-ready.... read more

Posted by Matthias Bohlen 2002-09-05

UML2EJB is going BSD!

The next version of UML2EJB will be released under the BSD license, the same that our foundation software, XDoclet, uses.

We do this to make contributions from members of commercial organizations possible. We do this also because UML2EJB will a plug.-in for commercial, non-open-source, products.

Matthias Bohlen and the UML2EJB team

Posted by Matthias Bohlen 2002-09-04

UML2EJB: New release 1.0.2

Maintenance release:

* Restructured ZIP files so that both object code and source code are in the same ZIP file.
* Renamed the directory "testmodel" to "sample" so that people will find it easily.
* Small correction for ejbCreate() in entity beans - this returns "null" now, according to EJB spec.

Posted by Matthias Bohlen 2002-07-18

UML2EJB 1.0 is released!

UML2EJB 1.0 is released!

UML2EJB is a code generator - it takes a Unified Modeling Language (UML) model
from a CASE-tool in XMI format and generates Enterprise JavaBeans classes with
tags for the XDoclet tool. You will get EJBs that can readily be deployed into
JBoss and others.

* Import of XMI from the CASE tool into the generator.
* Builds an object model that drives the Velocity template processor.
* Comes with templates for Session Beans and Entity Beans.
* Automatic use of J2EE patterns inside the generated beans.
* All fully customizable to the needs of your project.
* Uses XDoclet as a solid foundation to generate all the EJB-related files.
* Graphical modeling easier than writing @tags.
* Generates classes where you fill in your business logic.... read more

Posted by Matthias Bohlen 2002-07-10