
Welcome to Open Discussion

  • Stick Twiddler

    Stick Twiddler - 2011-04-26

    Welcome to Open Discussion

  • Idruna

    Idruna - 2011-05-19

    Hi!  Will you be posting the source code to this project soon?  I am using the UML290 under OpenEmbedded Linux on a GumStix board and would be very interested in testing.  My goal is to detect when no 4G signal is present and automatically switch to 3G.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-05-24

    I would have to echo idruna's remarks.  While I can appreciate the desire to get donations for things, I question your calling it a GPL project and then not offering the source code ("deep alpha" doesn't typically get you an out there…) and offering the downloads from only mediafire.

  • Brock Johnson

    Brock Johnson - 2012-01-05

    This seems to have died and the mediafire download has been disabled. Is there any chance of a release of the code for this? I'm certainly interested in helping to test/develop this tool.


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