
Tree [r68] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 img 2010-04-22 hydr0g3n [r57] Added a window icon
 AUTHORS 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 CHANGELOG 2010-08-28 hydr0g3n [r68] Display the composite Web service class with a ...
 COPYING 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 INSTALL 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 Makefile 2010-07-27 hydr0g3n [r65] Updated Makefile
 README 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool 2010-08-18 hydr0g3n [r67] Allow to import several WSDLs at once 2010-08-18 hydr0g3n [r67] Allow to import several WSDLs at once
 authenticationdlg.cpp 2010-04-22 hydr0g3n [r59] Support connection through proxy on Windows
 authenticationdlg.h 2010-04-22 hydr0g3n [r59] Support connection through proxy on Windows
 authenticationdlg.ui 2010-04-22 hydr0g3n [r59] Support connection through proxy on Windows
 bpel.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r55] Fix compilation on Windows
 bpel.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r55] Fix compilation on Windows
 editclassoperationsdlg.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 editclassoperationsdlg.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 editclassoperationsdlg.ui 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 editclasspropertiesdlg.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 editclasspropertiesdlg.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 editclasspropertiesdlg.ui 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 icons.qrc 2010-04-22 hydr0g3n [r57] Added a window icon
 main.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 mainwindow.cpp 2010-08-18 hydr0g3n [r67] Allow to import several WSDLs at once
 mainwindow.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 mainwindow.ui 2010-08-18 hydr0g3n [r67] Allow to import several WSDLs at once
 serviceimportdlg.cpp 2010-08-18 hydr0g3n [r67] Allow to import several WSDLs at once
 serviceimportdlg.h 2010-08-18 hydr0g3n [r67] Allow to import several WSDLs at once
 serviceimportdlg.ui 2010-08-18 hydr0g3n [r67] Allow to import several WSDLs at once
 serviceinvokedlg.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 serviceinvokedlg.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 serviceinvokedlg.ui 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlactionitem.cpp 2010-04-22 hydr0g3n [r58] Fix some UML item width adjusting
 umlactionitem.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlactivitydiagramscene.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlactivitydiagramscene.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlarrow.cpp 2010-04-22 hydr0g3n [r58] Fix some UML item width adjusting
 umlarrow.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlclassdiagramscene.cpp 2010-07-26 hydr0g3n [r63] Fix layout when generating the class diagram
 umlclassdiagramscene.h 2010-07-26 hydr0g3n [r63] Fix layout when generating the class diagram
 umlclassitem.cpp 2010-08-28 hydr0g3n [r68] Display the composite Web service class with a ...
 umlclassitem.h 2010-07-27 hydr0g3n [r66] Suppress some msvc warnings
 umlcommentitem.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlcommentitem.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlconnectableitem.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlconnectableitem.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umldecisionnodeitem.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umldecisionnodeitem.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umldiagramitem.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umldiagramscene.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umldiagramscene.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlfinalnodeitem.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlfinalnodeitem.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlforknodeitem.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlforknodeitem.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlinitialnodeitem.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlinitialnodeitem.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 umlparser.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r55] Fix compilation on Windows
 umlparser.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r55] Fix compilation on Windows
 workflow.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r53] Initial upload of the new development tool
 wsdl.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r55] Fix compilation on Windows
 wsdl.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r55] Fix compilation on Windows
 wsdldownloader.cpp 2010-04-22 hydr0g3n [r61] Fix possible memory leak in WSDL downloader
 wsdldownloader.h 2010-04-22 hydr0g3n [r60] Bring back proxy support on Unix systems throug...
 xsd.cpp 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r55] Fix compilation on Windows
 xsd.h 2010-04-21 hydr0g3n [r55] Fix compilation on Windows

Read Me

ServiceComposer - A Web service composition tool

ServiceComposer is a tool to develop composite Web services using the Model-Driven Architecture principles and UML 2 modeling language. More precisely, the modeling language used in a UML 2 profile called UML-S (UML for Services engineering). A class diagram is used to model Web services interfaces (i.e. their WSDL description) and an activity diagram is used to model the composition scenario (i.e. the interactions between the services). The tool is able to generate both the BPEL process and the WSDL description corresponding to the new composite Web service.

This tool was developed by Christophe Dumez as part of his PhD thesis work and it is merely a prototype intended as a proof-of-concept. It should *not* be used in production environment. The code is written in portable C++/Qt4 and it should be compilable and executable on all major platforms (Linux, Mac OS, Windows).

To compile and install:
 $ make && sudo make install
 $ ServiceComposer

See INSTALL file for more information.

Christophe Dumez <>
SeT laboratory - University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM)  and