
UltraStar Manager / News: Recent posts

Wooh-wooh-wooh! =D 1.8.0 out now!!!

Go for it. Get it. Now. No patience needed. Start crying - do not hold back your emotions. It's okay. ;)

Bye Bye

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2010-08-11

Next release 1.8.0 deferred some months...

Hi there!

Okay, this is some bad news. I miscalculated my development schedules somehow. Although the next release is quite feature-complete, it misses some important things. These include an updated translation in German and Polish (French and Spanish maybe too), documentation and examples for the plugin SDK, working playlist management and PDF report export.

You can compile the current SVN version if you like. It should compile.... read more

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2009-10-23

Get Uman 1.7.2! The combat with anti-virus tools...

I just released or repackaged 1.7.1 into 1.7.2 with a new recompiled "libtag.dll" to suppress those false-positives from some anti-virus tools.

Everything should be fine now. But keep in mind: UltraStar Manager was and will be always virus- and malware-free!


Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2009-08-28

No Malware Here! ;o)


I just got an e-mail from a guy at Heise, who told me, UltraStar Manager contains malware or a virus. Then I downloaded the latest version (1.7.1) and my AntiVir started annoying me. -.- I finally found out, that the bad file seems to be "libtag.dll" which is a libary used for reading ID3v2 tags from audio files. Then I got that version again from "". Alert! Huh?... read more

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-12-23

11.111 !!!

Yeah, a little late... but we got our 11.111st download some days ago! It's pretty amazing that so much people out there need such a tool.

Don't forget du submit bugs and feature requests. I'm quite busy right now but there will be definitely a next release.

And don't forget to visit ;)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-11-26

1.7.1 - Bugfixes and some new stuff

Ahoy! ^_^

Have fun with this minor release. See the changelog for details.

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-10-24

Wohooo! >> 5.555 <<

We got our 5.555th download!

And more than 600 people got the new release 1.7.0 in just eight days. Big thanks for supporting this project! :)

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-10-08

Just in point seven ;)

Aloah! ^_^

Release 1.7.0 is out now. Make sure to use all its cool features and don't forget to give plenty(!) feedback.

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-10-01

01.10. - 20:00

Well... ;o)

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-09-01

Styles 4 HTML-Reports

Everyone is invited to create a nice CSS file for the UltraStar Manager HTML-Report-Feature.

Feel free to add your custom classes or ids to the report and send your results to me.

I would like to integrate them into the upcoming release 1.7.

Here is an example report for you to play with:

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-08-25


Wohooo! We've got more than 1000 downloads for UltraStar Manager. This motivates me to keep on working on the next release. But don't expect it tomorrow. ;)

Please make use of the feature tracker here and request more interesting ideas!

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-06-08

Release 1.6 out now!

We just finished the development on 1.6.0. Check out the changelog to see the differences and enhancements to release 1.5.1.

You can either download the source or a win32 setup routine which will install this fine tool on you computer.

Here are some new key features:

- preview of picture files
- german language support
- reports
- two new tasks

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-05-01

Bugfix 1.5.1 released

UltraStar Manager does not corrupt song files anymore if the first note is not a normal note -> ":" (e.g. * for golden notes, F for freestyle).

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-04-07

Monty knows 36 different phrases! Release 1.5 is out now...

Well... please make use of the feature and bug tracker here. :)

Have a look at the changelog.

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-04-06

What is 0.5 + 0.9? ... 1.4 released!

See changelog for details. There are lots of them. =)

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-04-04

Monty says: "Version 1.3 released!"

I just finished version 1.3 of UltraStar Manager. Check out the change log and readme files.

I want feedback from users whose collections are bigger than 1000 songs - for performance issues. Please contact me via email. Thanks.

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-04-02

SVN online

The current source code is now available via SVN. It's not commented very well but that fact is about to change soon. =)

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-03-31

Release 1.2 updated

I just added a second file for the application version 1.2. That archive includes all needed runtime libraries (Qt + MinGW).

I did this because some users had trouble with getting the program started. :)

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-03-26

First Binary

I just added a binary for version 1.2 of UltraStar Manager. Check out the readme.txt for a dependency listing.

The source code will follow at April 1st (not a joke).

Posted by Marcel Taeumel 2008-03-14