
system files (registry, pagefile.sys)

  • Sebastien WILLEMIJNS


    When UD defrags by default, is pagefile/hiberfil is defragmented too ? ;)

  • Dmitri Arkhangelski


    If you mean pagefile and hiberfile belonging to the running system,
    UltraDefrag cannot defragment them until you'll enable the boot time
    defragmentation and then reboot the computer. These files aren't excluded by
    filters by default, but they are usually locked by Windows which prevents
    defragmenting them.

    If you're running the boot time defragmentation, be sure, both paging file and
    hiberfil.sys will be processed, because they are included in boot time
    defragmentation by default.

  • Sebastien WILLEMIJNS

    thanks of your quick answer ;)

    set UD_IN_FILTER=windows;winnt;ntuser;pagefile;hiberfil

    set UD_EX_FILTER=temp

    only these file will be done at the boot ? or/and all others files too as
    c:\progra~1 ?

  • Dmitri Arkhangelski

    To defragment everything delete both filter set commands or just comment them
    by adding a leading semicolon character. Detailed information is here: http:/
    Environment variables have the same meaning
    both for the boot time defragger and the command line tool.

  • Sebastien WILLEMIJNS

    ok, last coment, i think wait 10s + a couple of seconds after

    during "press a key" is very long :-( hope than we can change it soon...

    for me 3 second is good for the both wait state.

  • Andrei Maksimov

    Andrei Maksimov - 2010-11-02

    I have enough hard disk space, but still, the file is not pagefil.sys
    defragments the boot. Why?

  • Andrei Maksimov

    Andrei Maksimov - 2010-11-02

    Windows 7 Prof.

    set UD_IN_FILTER=windows;winnt;ntuser;pagefile;hiberfil

    set UD_EX_FILTER=temp

    udefrag c:

  • Stefan Pendl

    Stefan Pendl - 2010-11-02

    Could you please post the fraglist.txt resulting from the boot time defrag and
    the entire boot script?

    If you like to include the files, you need to open a support request at the


  • Andrei Maksimov

    Andrei Maksimov - 2010-11-02


    ; Fragmented files on C:


    ; Fragments Filesize Comment Filename


    2 3219128320 - C:\pagefile.sys

    And what is "the entire boot script"?

  • Andrei Maksimov

    Andrei Maksimov - 2010-11-02


    set UD_IN_FILTER=windows;winnt;ntuser;pagefile;hiberfil

    set UD_EX_FILTER=temp

    udefrag c:

    udefrag d:

    pause 1000


  • Andrei Maksimov

    Andrei Maksimov - 2010-11-02

    pagefile.sys on disk C: (C:\pagefile.sys).

  • Stefan Pendl

    Stefan Pendl - 2010-11-03

    It can happen, that there is a problem with moving parts of the file to
    consolidate the fragments.

    The next version will include a status column in the reports, so one can
    better tell what is going wrong.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-04

    OK. I will wait if the new releases to check it out! While I will not take
    action for manual defragmentation (by removing the file and create a new one).

  • H M

    H M - 2010-11-29

    Hi, I tried to use the default boot time scan to defrag pagefile.

    It seems it always runs at boot time and always analyses the boot disk. Is
    there a way to configure such that the boot time scan can be scheduled to run
    like once a week, and also won't analyse the boot disk.

    That way, I won't get a slowdown on every boot, and when the boot scan does
    execute, UltraDefrag would go straight to defrag the pagefile, etc. w/o
    analyzing disk first.


  • Stefan Pendl

    Stefan Pendl - 2010-11-30


    To disable boot time scanning put "boot-off" before "exit" in the script.

    You can create a scheduled task to enable boot time scanning by executing the
    "boot-on" command.

    For Windows Vista and higher make sure to execute the task by the System

    The analysis is needed to get the information about the free space available
    and the fragmented file.

    We can not avoid this currently.


  • Thomas Wilmot

    Thomas Wilmot - 2017-01-23


    I have been trying to use UltraDefrag 7.0.2 to optimize and defragment my hard disk drive on my IBM ThinkPad running Windows XP, SP3. I have gotten it to work pretty well, but when looking at the report, my 3 GB pagefile.sys still has 116 fragments, even after multiple optimization/defragmentations at boot time! I have changed all the size thresholds in the options.lua configuration file to 4 GBs to be safe. My Boot Time Shell Script is as follows:

    @echo off
    ;                UltraDefrag Boot Time Shell Script
    set UD_IN_FILTER=*windows*;*winnt*;*ntuser*;*pagefile.sys;*hiberfil.sys
    set UD_EX_FILTER=*temp*;*tmp*;*dllcache*;*ServicePackFiles*
    ; to exclude archives too uncomment the following lines:
    ; set UD_EX_FILTER=%UD_EX_FILTER%;*.7z;*.7z.*;*.arj;*.bz2;*.bzip2;*.cab;*.cpio
    ; set UD_EX_FILTER=%UD_EX_FILTER%;*.deb;*.dmg;*.gz;*.gzip;*.lha;*.lzh;*.lzma
    ; set UD_EX_FILTER=%UD_EX_FILTER%;*.rar;*.rpm;*.swm;*.tar;*.taz;*.tbz;*.tbz2
    ; set UD_EX_FILTER=%UD_EX_FILTER%;*.tgz;*.tpz;*.txz;*.xar;*.xz;*.z;*.zip
    ; uncomment the following line to create debugging output
    ; uncomment the following line to save debugging information to a log file
    ; set UD_LOG_FILE_PATH=%UD_INSTALL_DIR%\Logs\defrag_native.log
    udefrag -q --repeat --show-cluster-map --show-volume-information c:


  • Dmitri Arkhangelski


    As the paging file is huge, it requires a lot of continuous free space on the disk to be defragmented. The best way to deal with the problem is to completely disable paging for a while (go to Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance > Advanced > Virtual Memory to do that), then run the full optimization at boot, and then reenable paging again if you need it. Of course, the best results can be achieved if you disable paging forever and install additional RAM modules instead. They aren't expensive at all nowadays and work much faster than paging. I have no idea whether it would be technically easy on your computer to upgrade RAM or not, but nevertheless the principle remains the same.

    Best regards,


    Last edit: Dmitri Arkhangelski 2017-01-23

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