
Ultimate Statistics for PalmOS / News: Recent posts

UltiStats 1.0beta6 release!

The first fully usable release of version 1.0 was Beta5, released last August. All the major functionality was implemented in beta5, with just various odd and ends left to go. 8 months later I've finally checked a couple items off the todo list and put out beta6. This release includes support for the "Callahan goal" (interception in the endzone for an immediate goal; in the UPA 10th edition rules), count number of goals vs turnovers after timeout calls, some UI label improvements and a couple bug fixes. Enjoy!

Posted by Alan Harder 2002-04-16

UltiStats 1.0beta4 released!

Development continues... I'm up to the fourth beta release of UltiStats 1.0. The data collection and "View Plays" portions are complete.. you can see nearly all the data in the "View Stats" area but still some more work to be done..

Here are some of the changes in the new version:
- Can record stats for both teams in the game.
- Bigger roster; add to roster during game.
- Added "count-throws" mode which records the number of completed
passes in each possession.
- Undo and Redo support.
- Record defense (customizable types).
- Record calls (foul, pick, etc).
- Record custom events.
- Record who pulled and/or pull quality.
- Two items from RUFUS: starting position and goal distance.
- Timeout between points.
- Game note.
- Game clock (hidden button-- tap in the score area in the upper right) ... read more

Posted by Alan Harder 2001-06-21

Version 1.0beta1 released!

This is the first beta release of the 1.0 version of UltiStats.
So far only the data-collection portion of the program has been completed.
You can use this version to record and save data, but you won't be able to
view the statistics data.. that part doesn't exist yet!
This beta release also includes 2 hacks for easier testing.. both of these will
be removed when the final release comes out:
- When you start a game it will autoselect 7 players. (in my testing I start new games
a LOT, and I don't want to have to check 7 players every time!)
- Tapping in the upper-left corner of the point screen during a game is a "quick exit".
It throws away all the data you've recorded and returns to the main screen.... read more

Posted by Alan Harder 2001-05-20

Version 0.87 released!

UltiStats v0.87 adds an export-to-memopad menu item for the stats-summary data (an often-requested feature).
This is the first release since the source code was placed on

Posted by Alan Harder 2001-04-18