
Unified Link Layer API / News: Recent posts

2.6 in svn

The 2.6 port is available from svn. Please report all successful compatibility or problem in the tracker sections. Thanks!

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2007-10-16


ULLA development team is still on holiday until end of May 07. We will be back for testing our 2.6 port already available in svn. See you around!

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2007-05-03

ullaTools, wlan-ng LLA, and tempalte_lla now version 1.0.1

As an intermediate release just before the work on the 2.6 port is finished, the ULLA project releases a bug fix releasse 1.0.1 for the 2.4 kernels.

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2007-02-28

Project website updated

The ULLA project website is updated to latest C-API description. This includes examples on the html-pages as well as browsable man_pages and doxygen documentation.

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2006-08-06

ULLA Tools 1.0

The release 1.0 of the ULLA Tools provide an example for the usage of pthreads with ULLA. Also, a full new set of man-pages is available.

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2006-08-03

wlan-ng LLA 1.0

The release 1.0 of the wlan-ng LLA is compliant with the latest ULLA Core release 1.0

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2006-08-03

ulla 1.0

The release 1.0 of the ULLA Core provides a new set of man-pages and minor API changes

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2006-08-03

ulla 0.1.4

Final ULLA Core release which provides an GOLLUM project compliant Link User interface. The ULLA Core releases 0.1.x have a Link User API version 0.1 and an LLA interface version 1.

In order to further inhance the usibility of ULLA future versions are NOT backward compatible to version 1. These changes affect all components of the architecture, as there are Link User (LU), ULLA Core, and Link Layer Adapter (LLAs).

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2006-06-16

ulla 0.1.3

Feature request for joined-queries and post-processing functions in the UQL have been satisfied. Also, some major bug fixes have been completed concerning programming with threads. However, this stipulated a discussion in the design of the requestNotification() function, which might lead to API changes to make the usage of the function more clear to the programmer. These changes would go to versions 0.2.x of the ULLA project.

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2006-05-31

wlan-ng-lla 0.1.3

The new linux wlan-ng LLA release 0.1.3 brings a minor bug fix and code-polishing. Also, the wlan-ng_LLA.patch file was moved to standard svn diff format.

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2006-05-19

ulla tools 0.1.1

ULLA Tools now featuring periodic notifications, or sampling by the means of the new command line utility ullaSamples

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2006-05-06

ulla 0.1.2

ULLA Core now featuring periodic notifications, or sampling.

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2006-05-06

wlan-ng LLA 0.1.2

Urgent bugfix release.

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2006-04-26

wlan-ng LLA 0.1.1

Some more testing with multiple USB-adapters was done on the wlan-ng LLA resulting in some bug-fixes.

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2006-04-25

Initial Public ULLA Release 0.1

The first public ULLA release 0.1 has been published to the ULLA SourceForge project. The development status is still beta and the API definition is a work under progress.

Feel free to experiment with ULLA and bring back your feedback!

Posted by Marten Bandholz 2006-04-05