
Unified Image Manipulation Program / News: Recent posts

Now, you can download full version webimp.
the same code as imamge processing website)

Posted by GrassRoot 2006-12-03

New English version UIMP is released !

You can see the new english version uimp in:

Posted by GrassRoot 2006-11-29

how to install uimp and webimp

1. tar zxvf uimp1.0.0_release2006.11.22.tar.gz
unzip uimp to /uimp
2. /uimp/dist/bin/init/init
init the uimp system, which generate a uimp1.0.0.ini file in /etc dir.
3. tar zxvf webimp1.0.0_release2006.11.22.tar.gz
unzip webimp to apache home dir, such as /var/www/webimp
4. chmod 777 /var/www/webimp
to make sure webimp dir can be read and write

Posted by GrassRoot 2006-11-22

how to install uimp & webimp in linux

1. tar zxvf uimp1.0.0_release2006.11.22.tar.gz
unzip uimp to /uimp
2. /uimp/dist/bin/init/init
init the uimp system, which generate a uimp1.0.0.ini file in /etc dir.
3. tar zxvf webimp1.0.0_release2006.11.22.tar.gz
unzip webimp to apache home dir, such as /var/www/webimp
4. chmod 777 /var/www/webimp
to make sure webimp dir can be read and write

Posted by GrassRoot 2006-11-22

UIMP v_1.0.0 has released !

zip file for windows setup
iso file for linux LIVE-CD

Posted by GrassRoot 2006-11-01