
UIChat / Blog: Recent posts

UIChat now in Rolling Release

UIChat is an Amateur Radio application aimed at replicating the methodology behind FSQCall. Namely, selective calling and automated responses to certain "action characters" embedded in the message. The syntax is simple to learn, and there is a help page with all commands shown in case you need help also.

UIChat is designed to be a "chat" application, but unlike FSQCall is not limited to one type of RF modem. Any KISS enabled modem may be used. I have tested UIChat on HF packet at 300 baud, and others have used it on VHF/UHF packet at 1200 baud. UIChat marries up well with the Direwolf packet sound modem since it has KISS accessible on a TCP port.... read more

Posted by Mitch Winkle 2015-09-11 Labels: AX.25 Ham Radio Amateur Radio Java