
Segment core dump

  • Angel Perez

    Angel Perez - 2018-05-19

    I just started playing Hexen 2 with the Hammer of Thyrion. It runs perfectly except for one thing I have noticed. I am new to the game so please excuse I don't know all the maps names. However when I go into the Mill, I follow the path all the way down until I come to 2 portals or teleport things one on each side. If I go through the one on the right, I have no problems, however, if I go into the one on the left, the game completely crashes after only a few seconds.

    I am running Manjaro Linux. I got Hexen 2 from Steam-Wine. And copied the files that Steam installed into my .hexen2 folder. I am not sure if that is significant or if there is another place where I can find the files. Any help would be great thanks.

  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2018-05-20

    If you give us a save just at the place where you are about to go
    into those portals, we might be able to reproduce the issue. Also,
    if you have a backtrace of the segmentation fault that would help

    To make sure that the data files from your steam-purchase, do a
    md5sum check on data1/pak0.pak and data1/pak1.pak, make sure they
    are the same we noted in the README. Also make sure that you only
    copy those two files (data1/pak0.pak and data1/pak1.pak) from your
    steam installation: nothing else is needed.

    How did you build uHexen2? Did you build on your own, or did you
    download one of our packages, i.e. hexen2-1.5.8-linux-i586.tgz or

  • Angel Perez

    Angel Perez - 2018-05-21

    Well to answer one of the questions, I installed hexen2 from the Arch User Repository. Here is the link to it.

    md5sums match:
    c9675191e75dd25a3b9ed81ee7e05eff pak0.pak
    c2ac5b0640773eed9ebe1cda2eca2ad0 pak1.pak

    I have copied just the paks.

    I attatched the documents in the save folder. s0. It should drop you right in front of the portal. What happens is I enter it, and it varies how long it lets me stay there. However, it always crashes shortly after I am on the other end.

    I have also attatched the strace as a text file.

  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2018-05-21

    I could not crash this on my Fedora-27 x86_64 yet.

    This is on an x86_64 and software-only version, yes?
    Does it happen with opengl version?

    Can you get a backtrace from running under gdb? (I
    have a hard time following the strace.)

  • Angel Perez

    Angel Perez - 2018-05-22

    Sorry about the long time for the response, it took me a minute to realize there was a different binary to make it run as opengl. It turns out that when I run it with opengl, it does not crash. Not sure what the difference is but I will just run it in opengl. That seems to have solved it for me. I guess I will just edit the application settings to get it to run glhexen2 instead of just hexen2. Thanks for the help. I am glad that I will be able to play the game through after all.

  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2018-05-22

    Glad that it works now.

    Although why the software-renderer is crashing is still a question..


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