
Help installing Hammer of Thyrion

  • Ashir

    Ashir - 2015-10-05

    Hi guys, I need help to install Hammer of Thyrion.

    I just did a fresh install of Hexen II and before installing the expansion I try to patch the game and the patch says "Could not update registry. Patch complete", and then it closes and install the expansion.

    After that I downloaded Hammer of Thyrion x64, uncompressed it, and copy the content to the install folder of Hexen II. When I try to play it says "You must patch your installation with Raven's 1.11 update". When I try to re run the patch it says "This patch does not apply to your version of Hexen II". I try to run the patch that comes with Hammer of Thyrion and it says
    "looks like an unknown pak file
    Error: not supported by h2patch!"

    So, I can't patch it nor run it...

    I'm using Windows 7 x64.



    Last edit: Ashir 2015-10-05
  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2015-10-05

    Open a command prompt (command console, cmd.exe, whatever windows
    is calling it these days), cd into your hexen2 directory and run:


    It should apply the patch and you'll be ready to go.

    • Ashir

      Ashir - 2015-10-05

      I did it, the response was:

      "looks like an unknown pak file
      Error: not supported by h2patch!"

  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2015-10-05

    In the command prompt, type:

    dir data1*.pak

    and show me what it says

    • Ashir

      Ashir - 2015-10-05

      20/06/1997 04:27 p.m. 21.714.283 PAK0.PAK
      20/06/1997 04:11 p.m. 76.958.474 PAK1.PAK

      • Ozkan Sezer

        Ozkan Sezer - 2015-10-05

        pak1.pak is the hexen2 cdrom version, at least by looking at its size. However, pak0.pak is really unknown: the cdrom version must be 21714275 bytes but yours is different. What is your game media? Some sort of customized cdrom? (possibly a warez cdrom?)

        • Ashir

          Ashir - 2015-10-05

          It was a backup from my retail CD. I use my original CD as my backup was scratchy, and copy the pak0.pak.

          I re run the h2patch and now it says:

          File data1\pak1.pak :
          ... looks like retail, from Hexen II cdrom (v1.03)
          ... applying patch...
          target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT
          25165824 bytes, 0.64s
          ... Error: patch failed! file corrupted?

        • Ashir

          Ashir - 2015-10-05

          Nevermind, I did a complete re install using my original CD and it worked!

  • ekitz

    ekitz - 2020-03-07

    Ive almost gotten a build of hexen II to run.. Trying to start as one of the characters leads to another interfering-crash though. I can upload the build ive put together so far from the web, Its just.. Please can someone help me figure out whats wrong with it?


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