
Quake bsp2 support?

  • Jason

    Jason - 2017-01-17

    If you look at ericw's quake compilers he's added hexen 2 support to them. Only problem is fteqw is the only engine that supports bsp2 for hexen 2, but hexen 2 support isn't flawless yet.

    Are there any plans to update hammer of thyrion with bsp2 support (and further render distance)? With trenchbroom having hexen 2 support now it might attract mappers like myself who were put off by the really low limits

    EDIT: I just noticed the feature request, sorry for the repeat, but i think the point still stands, I've seen a lot of people put off by the limits


    Last edit: Jason 2017-01-19
  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2021-09-10

    BSP2 support is in as of git commit 475a79b29b5773


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