
Surround Sound

  • Jason Smith

    Jason Smith - 2021-05-16

    Was just wondering if you guys are planning on supporting surround sound at all (5.1, 7.1, etc). Been jumping back and forth between Hammer of Thryion and FTEQuake and while it's nice having the option in FTEQuake it has other, larger, issues with Hexen 2 that make it the poorer choice at this time. (movement speed seems off, random levers and doors move in the opposite direction they should, among other things)

    This is of course assuming you don't already support it and I'm completely missing something.

  • Ozkan Sezer

    Ozkan Sezer - 2021-05-16

    Surround is not on the TODO list at the moment: It would possibly take some effort.
    If you have a well-tested patch though, I'd like to see it.

    • Jason Smith

      Jason Smith - 2021-05-16

      That's quite a bit beyond my skills unfortunately. Compiling the latest from git and adding the "host_maxfps" patch from the "Configurable FPS Limit" thread in the feature requests area here is about the extent of my ability. Just figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.


      Last edit: Jason Smith 2021-05-16

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