
Large files, NAKs, failures, and restarts

  • Digarok

    Digarok - 2018-04-20

    I've been trying to get UFTP to successfully send large files for a few
    months now and am ready to give up on this tool.

    I've tweaked every possible setting and run hundreds of attempts at this
    point, but large files always seem to accumulate more and more errors as
    they grow. And after multiple passes it seems like the NAKs are really far
    behind. I really don't see anything that indicates the receiver is under
    pressure. I've rate limited it down. But it seems like this tool really
    can't handle files of a few hundred GBs.

    Restarts would save the day, but it seems like they are broken in

    If I'm reading the documentation correctly, you can have either: Restarts
    or full/multiple destination paths. That's not a rational compromise.
    I'd like to be able to restart and tell it where I want my file to go.

  • Dennis Bush

    Dennis Bush - 2018-05-27

    I just released version 4.9.7 which addresses a timout issue when sending large files. There was a delay in looping through the list of blocks to send which has been fixed.

    This fix, in addition to increasing the UDP buffer size and cache size on the client (-B and -c respectively) should address the performance issues you've been having.


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