Glen Kohler - 2017-03-30

Dear GIMP-ers: I 'upgraded' to GIMP 2.8 on my Mac from version 2.4. I am running Mavericks (Mac OS 10.9.5). As everyone knows, GIMP 2.4 installed Ufraw automatically. 2.8 does not, and I am not having much luck discovering how to install Ufraw. I have downloaded from Source Forge as a .zip file. Unzipped, I get a folder with apparently all Ufraw components, though it does not let me run it as a stand-alone utility.

On the 'Net there are various references to MacPorts, command-line stuff, etc., but no step-by-step 'here's how to do it' instructions. Maybe I am being too much of a consumer-user, and if so I apologize to the geeks. It does seem to me there should be a straightforward way to get Ufraw to install and run with GIMP 2.8.

I shoot photos in the Panasonic .RW2 format, so I do need a RAW image converter to edit photos in GIMP. GIMP 2.4 impressed the hell out of me by opening RAW files. 2.8 is something of a let-down because it does not. It is hard to imagine why Ufraw was left out of 2.8.


Last edit: Glen Kohler 2017-03-30