stan - 2017-06-18

This change fixes a bug that was in 2.3, and adds some features. The program functionality remains the same.

There were variables that could be evaluated out of order in 2.3, causing a crash. This fixes that.

Reworked the scoring algorithm, so that it yields lower values. Lower is still better, but scores in the 100 to 200 range are now excellent. Added the parameters for the scoring algorithm to the config file so that scoring can be adjusted by the user.

Added all the new outputs to the final statistics shown by the ufov window. That window has been re-organized so that items are in a different, and I think more intuitive, order.

I think there was a subtle bug when either a center or periphery match was the last display. The program would exit before the user had a chance to select it, and it would be counted as missed. I fixed that.