
#2 ufo2map segmentation fault

ufo2map (1)

ufo2map segmentation fault when build some maps if ufo2map is built with GCC 13. For example forest/fr_convoy.bsp, see*/x8664/ufoai:ufoai-maps/log
Could be helpful any compiler options?


  • Tamás Fehérvári

    I could not reproduce the issue yet. The logs you linked don't seem to be available.
    If you could attach a backtrace it could help. Thx!

  • Alexey Svistunov

    Hello, Tamás. Log in attachment. It failed for all processor architectures, see
    With GCC 7 all fine.


    Last edit: Alexey Svistunov 2023-10-24
  • Tamás Fehérvári

    I could not reproduce the SegFault with GCC 13. Neither on that particular map nor compiling the whole map set, so there must be some additional thing that triggers the crash.
    I did use the custom (configure && make) based build system though.

    Without a backtrace or being able to reproduce, I cannot tell where the issue happens, so won't be able to fix it.

    btw, not sure if you know, but we were working with gryffus making the openSUSE builds work, I suggested to use the old make system for now, as that was proved to be able to create release builds while the CMake based one may still miss necessary features.

  • Alexey Svistunov

    Ok, Tamás, I accept rollback to configure && make by gryffus for openSUSE build. Hopefully we'll get back to building with CMake in the future, as I've invested a bit of my time into this. Thank you!

  • Tamás Fehérvári

    • status: open --> closed

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