
Tree [d11ec7] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 DOCS 2021-09-25 Ulrich Habel Ulrich Habel [aef141] DOCS - BALUNs - multiple fixes against bad usage
 FPGA 2022-05-25 Ulrich Habel Ulrich Habel [d11ec7] HW/SW - update to Vivado ML Edition 2022.1
 HW 2021-09-25 Ulrich Habel Ulrich Habel [46912f] HW/CAD - V2.2 - resistor value fixed
 SW 2022-05-25 Ulrich Habel Ulrich Habel [d11ec7] HW/SW - update to Vivado ML Edition 2022.1
 .gitignore 2020-09-30 Ulrich Habel Ulrich Habel [2dc048] FPGA - TX UFBmod Encoder - first compilation 2019-03-22 Ulrich Habel Ulrich Habel [070cd2] Update

Read Me


Ultra-Fine-Business Modulation - Trying a new data modulation to compete with LoRa (R)


UFMmod is intented to be a digital Spread Spectrum Modulation for data transfer with Low Power and High Range performance. It is non-chirp based, instead it uses Pseudo-Noise coding sequence.

The frequencies to be used by UFMmod


  • 868 MHz ISM band (125 kHz bandwidth).
  • 433 MHz band (3 kHz bandwidth).

USA, Australia, Asia, Africa, Pacific region ...

  • sorry, not defined yet.

Directory structure


  • Ideas and concepts of the modulation and realization for an data packet transceiver.
  • Datasheets of the used parts.


  • CAD/Eagle schematics and PCB layout
  • Libraries
  • CAM files


  • XILINX Artix-7 configuration files with its Verilog source code.


  • Software used by the FPGA internal soft processor. (not yet defined)
  • Software used by an STM32L4xx MCU. (not yet defined)
