
#1 database keys, automatic completion, templates


First of all I would like to congratulate you on a really mature project and what I consider one of the most complete open-source EMRs available. I am training at Cleveland Clinic where we use EPIC. There are a couple of features in Epic that I think would compliment your project.

1) dot phrases: These are short phrases that can expand into additional text. When a patient is seen in clinic we populate an area of the EMR for past medical history where you have a three-column table for diagnosis, date of diagnosis, and notes. Once entered the clinician can type a dot phrase to import the information. By typing “.pastmedhx” the dot phrase is expanded to
“Past Medical History
diagnosis date of diagnosis (diagnosis notes)
Hypertension 1998 On four meds and not at goal

The dot phrases that are made by the user can contain other dot phrases that are all populated at the same time. For a follow up note one could have a dot phrase such as .followup that contains

.name (expanded to the patient’s name) is a .age (expanded to age) .sex (expanded to the patient’s sex) who presents for follow up for *. She is seen in clinic for .pastmedhx

The dot phrases can be used to import lab valves.

2) One the “Plan Details” there should be a way to link either the encounter diagnosis, past medical history diagnosis, or problem list diagnosis to both the medication, orders, and typed plan.

3) When medications are entered for the encounter they should automatically be entered into the patient’s medication list.

4) There should be a spot where you can tell when the medications were last reviewed with the patient as part of medicine reconciliation.

5) There should also be a spot to tell when allergies were last reviewed with the patient.

6) It would be great to have a list of previously viewed patients. Or other filters like by provider, seen with in the last ten days, or on drug X.

I think this is a great project. The layout is outstanding. The navigation is very natural and I think this project will be very successful. I wish I had some extra time to contribute code!



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