
udt / News: Recent posts

UDT 4.9 Release!


Version 4.9 is a minor release with bug fixes and code improvement:

some bug fixes, especially on EPOLL
improved cache code
removed unnecessary NAK (reduced loss retransmission)
receiver side error can unblock a blocked sender

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2011-08-30

UDT v4.8 Release!

UDT: UDP-based Data Transfer (

UDT 4.8 added epoll support and significantly improves the scalability on concurrent connections.

More updates:
fix a bug that may cause seg fault on concurrent close on the same socket
add epoll support
increase the listener's scalability to 100K concurrent connections
fix a bug that may cause accept/select to return positively when an accepted socket is closed immediately after accept returns
fix a bug that may cause connect to fail if the server closes listening socket immediately after accept returns
fix recvfile fstream write status bug (e.g., when disk is full, recvfile should handle properly now)

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2010-12-30

UDT 4.7a release

UDT: High Speed UDP-based Data Transfer Protocol (

version 4.7a is a bug fix version.

version 4.7a

fix timeout bug introduced in 4.7
iniatilize CHandShake

version 4.7

Fix several related bugs that can cause hang/memory leak/segmentation fault during cleanup()

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2010-07-21

UDT 4.6 Release!

This is a bug fix version. Several bugs in 4.5a were fixed.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2009-09-14

UDT version 4.5 is released!

UDT: UDP-based data transfer (

This release contains bug fixes during the last 6 months. In addition, a new API, selectEx is added, in order to improve performance of "select".

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2009-07-02

UDT Version 4.4 Release

UDT: A High Performance UDP-based Data Transfer Protocol

We have released version 4.4, which includes several critical bug fixes since the last version. Please note that we introduced two new APIs, startup and cleanup, in this version. Our next version will address the efficiency issue for very large number of concurrent connections. Thanks to everyone for helping us improve the software

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2009-01-22

Bandwidth challenge winner at SC08

We have won the bandwidth challenge during the supercomputing conference in Austin TX. During the competitiion, we run three data intensive applications supported by UDT and Sector/Sphere.

Nov. 20, 2008

SuperComputing 2008

Austin, TX

The Bandwidth Challenge: Unleashing the Power of the Network

The National Center for Data Mining (NCDM) at UIC and the Open Cloud Consortium were awarded the 2008 SC08 Bandwidth Challenge award at SC 08 today in Austin.... read more

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2008-11-22

Meet us at SC08, Austin, TX

We will be in booth 321 of SC08, to be held in Austin TX, Nov 15 - 20.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2008-11-13

UDT now bundled together with GridFTP

UDT is bundled with Globus starting with Globus v4.2, so downloading UDT separately is no longer needed.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2008-07-02

Introducing Sector and Sphere

We are glad to announce a new open source software, Sector, a high performance distributed storage and processing system, available at Sector supports distributed data storage/file system and can also be used a a content distribution network. Sphere supports simplified programming of data parallel applications, similar to MapReduce.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2008-07-02

binding on exsiting UDP socket is allowed now

A new bind() API has been added so that you can bind UDT on an existing UDP socket now. This will increase the ability of firewall traversing.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2008-05-23

UDT version 4.2 release

some bug fixes from 4.1; a little improvement

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2008-03-20

UDT version 4.1 release

This version includes bug fixes from version 4.0.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2007-12-14

UDT 3.3 at BSD license is posted

If you still use version 3.3 and need BSD license, you may download the new BSD license version.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2007-11-27

UDTv4 Final Release!

We have finally released UDTv4 and it is under a new BSD license.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2007-10-26

New UDT Internet Draft available online

A new UDT Internet Draft has been posted to Comments are welcome. Please post your comments to the SourceForge Forum.


Posted by Yunhong Gu 2007-10-10

New UDT web site launched!

We just launched a complete new UDT project web site. Please visit

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2007-08-26

UDTv4 Beta2 Release!

We are getting close to the final version of UDTv4. The Beta2 release contains several bug fixes since the release of the first Beta version.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2007-08-23

About UDT Commercial License

We are planning to introduce a commercial license for UDT via the University of Illinois at Chicago. UDT will be dual-licensed. We will continue to release UDT under LGPL. However, a commercial license will be available for users who cannot or do not prefer to use LGPL. Details will be available soon. Meanwhile, please contact Yunhong Gu (gu @ if you have any comments, requests, or questions.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2007-08-22

known bug in UDT4.0 beta

Segmentation fault occurs when closing a listening socket. This is a known bug in UDT 4.0 beta. Code fix can be checked out from Sourceforge CVS. The bug is not included in the GNU package and WIN32 binary package.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2007-08-13

UDTv4 Beta Release

We have just released the beta version of UDTv4. We hope to have more users to help test this version and give us feedback, including but not limited to bug report, suggestions, and feature request.

We have completed the basic code structure and just need to fill in more details before releasing the formal UDTv4.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2007-07-19

UDT-m is turning into UDTv4 now

UDTv4 has been imported into CVS. Version 4 follows the code base of UDT-m, thus UDT-m in CVS will not be updated any more; Instead, if you want to check out any new code from CVS, please use the module UDT4.

There is still some work to do before the Beta version of UDT4, expected in late Summer/early Fall 2007.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2007-06-06

version 3.3 and version m final

Two new versions have been released. Version 3.3 contains bug fixes since version 3.2. Version m final is the last version of UDT-m. We will focos on UDTv4 from now on.

For those who chases extreme high throughput, please continue to use version 3. For other users, who want low memory usage, easy firewall traversing, and high concurrency, we encourage you to try UDT-m. Advantages from both versions will be combined in UDTv4.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2007-04-19

UDT-m update

Sorry for the long delay of UDT-m. Recently I am actively working on it. The CVS may be updated very often. Due to the intensive updates, part of the UDT functionality may be temporarily unavailable. In particular, because the new feature in buffer management (buffer sharing and autosizing), overlapped IO may be cancelled in UDT-m. Please be careful if you check out the CVS code. I will release UDT-m beta soon.

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2007-03-15

What is UDT-m

UDT-m is a prototype of the next generation of UDT, which supports UDP port sharing among multiple UDT connestions (multiplexing), multiple sending/receiving threads for one UDT connection (parallelism), and several more new features.

The UDT-m is supposed to be an intermediate version and will be replaced by UDT 4.0 when the feature are finalized. Before 4.0 is out, version 3.x still provides the most reliable code base and the stable protocol features.... read more

Posted by Yunhong Gu 2006-12-21