
UDT5 filetransfer

  • Shoaib Rafique

    Shoaib Rafique - 2017-01-17

    I needed to make some file transfers between distant machines. I used UDT4 sendfile and recvfile located in /udt/app/ , I successfully made some transfers and checked the speed.
    There is also UDT5 available on SMN repositories
    When I try to run the file transfer application ./sendfile I get a symbol lookup error undefined symbol: _ZN3UDT8sendfileEiRSt13basic_fstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcEERllii
    Does anyone know the reason behind this error ?

    Thanks in advance

  • Vaibhav Malawade

    What kind of speed's are you getting ? I am comparing udt4 with scp on 2 linux machines - 1000 miles apart and for 10MB file UDT gives me 8Mbits but scp gives 24Mbits (including ssh handshake) Appreciate help, if I am missing something obious

    • Rahul jain

      Rahul jain - 2020-05-14

      Hi, UDT IS MEANT FOR HIGH SPEED NETWORK i.e if you want to transfer file of
      1gb in 10g network or it should be at least 1g network ... Small size
      bandwidth are not taken into consideration for that tcp is fine hope this
      answers your question

      On Thu, May 14, 2020, 02:39 Vaibhav Malawade

      What kind of speed's are you getting ? I am comparing udt4 with scp on 2
      linux machines - 1000 miles apart and for 10MB file UDT gives me 8Mbits but
      scp gives 24Mbits (including ssh handshake) Appreciate help, if I am
      missing something obious

      UDT5 filetransfer

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