
ucas - Universal Central Admin System / News: Recent posts

Development Starts

Today I am starting the development of the UCAS framework. I will post the first cvs snapshot within a month.

Posted by Justin Unwin 2003-03-19

Moving On With Planning

I have analyzed everything and have decided that it is time to move on to next stage of planning my current ideas will be updated and refined. The current published document is being rewriten for readers sake ;). Once I have completed a project plan i want to begin deligrating programing assignments to the developers. At this point I want to start recruiting programmers. If you are interested in contributing to this project please get hold of me. Thanks - Justin

Posted by Justin Unwin 2002-09-29

Website + Logo

I have created a basic website to fill the space and a logo if anyone has opinions on the Logo please let me know. - Justin

Posted by Justin Unwin 2002-09-04

Planning Begins

We are starting the Initial Planning of the Project where we will decide what will go into the project and who will do what. A TODO doc will be Created and be availible for all to read after the 11th of August 2002.

Posted by Justin Unwin 2002-08-02

And In The Begining

UCAS project has been aproved, now we are going to start playing. Sean Preston has joined the development Team and will be co-ordinating the project. Forums are open for comments we will be altering them at later times but for the moment you are welcome to comment there - Justin

Posted by Justin Unwin 2002-07-29