Please support this project.
Quick Start: jump to the installation instructions.
This is the home of the Ubuntuzilla project, hosts an APT repository with .deb repacks of the latest official release versions of Mozilla Firefox, Firefox ESR, Mozilla SeaMonkey, and Mozilla Thunderbird. This repository should work on any APT-based distribution, including Ubuntu descendants, and Debian descendants. The project was born on Ubuntu forums, but despite the name is not really specific to Ubuntu.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please post on the help forum here on Sourceforge. (There is an archived support forum on the Ubuntu Forums which may be useful as a reference, but is now closed to new posts.)
The packages contain unmodified official Mozilla release binaries, which fact you are encouraged to verify by comparing the checksums of package contents with checksums of the contents of the official Mozilla tar.bz2 release archives. As a matter of general principle, it is a good practice to perform some verification prior to running anything from any unfamiliar website.
If you're ready go for it, jump right to the installation instructions.
Note: the old scripts have not been maintained for years, and probably wouldn't work out of the box if you try.
In the past, the Ubuntuzilla project was a python script which automated the download and installation of Mozilla releases. Those still interested in the script can go here: [Ubuntuzilla_Installer_Script].
Some even older pages:
[Ubuntuzilla_Non_Deb] contains script instructions prior to its being packaged into a .deb installer.
[Ubuntuzilla_Shell_Scripts] contain instructions prior to the script being ported from shell to python.
On many Linux distributions it is common to see a delay between a new release of Mozilla software, and the software showing up in the main distribution repositories. Depending on the distro policy, you might only see some security fix backports and not a full new release.
It is frequently desirable to get more timely security updates for Mozilla software, or run the latest version, which may not be available in the repositories, due to the new features and improvements. This is where the Ubuntuzilla repository comes in. This repository tracks official Mozilla releases, and aims to push out the updated packages within a day or two of their release.
Read below for specific instructions for using this repository to install Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Thunderbird.
The repository to add, if you're adding it manually to your sources.list, is
deb all main
and you can use the following command to add it to your sources.list in one step:
echo -e "\ndeb all main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null
If you wish, verify that the repository has been added, by looking at /etc/apt/sources.list in your favorite text editor, or running "tail /etc/apt/sources.list" in the terminal.
Then add the package signing key to your keyring, by running the following command (note: new key as of 2016-11-15):
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 2667CA5C
Update your package database:
sudo apt-get update
Install your desired package, with one of the following commands:
sudo apt-get install firefox-mozilla-build
sudo apt-get install firefox-esr-mozilla-build
sudo apt-get install thunderbird-mozilla-build
sudo apt-get install seamonkey-mozilla-build
All of this can also be done through the GUI with the Synaptic Package Manager, if you so desire. See this step-by-step visual tutorial if you would like to try the GUI approach.
From here on, any updates will be offered to you through the usual channels in the Update Manager.
The packages in the repos are 'en-US' (US English) versions. To install any other translations:
Firefox language packs are at<version>/linux-i686/xpi/
Thunderbird language packs are at<version>/linux-i686/xpi/
Seamonkey language packs are at<version>/langpack/
For more info about installing language packs, see this Mozilla knowledgebase article.
To uninstall the packages, uninstall the *-mozilla-build packages, using your favorite package manager. E.g., using apt-get:
sudo apt-get remove firefox-mozilla-build
sudo apt-get remove firefox-esr-mozilla-build
sudo apt-get remove thunderbird-mozilla-build
sudo apt-get remove seamonkey-mozilla-build
If you no longer wish to have the Ubuntuzilla repository in your sources, you can edit it out of your /etc/apt/sources.list.
The repository contains packages of the latest releases of Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird, and Seamonkey. There are both 32- and 64-bit packages available.
The repository location is
deb all main
And the repository signing key ID is 2667CA5C (or 0xB7B9C16F2667CA5C in long format), available on
The packages are named firefox-mozilla-build, firefox-esr-mozilla-build, thunderbird-mozilla-build, and seamonkey-mozilla-build.
Upon installation, the actual binaries are installed into /opt/(firefox|thunderbird|seamonkey), a link is placed into /usr/bin/(firefox|thunderbird|seamonkey), and the same link from the main distro repositories version of these packages is diverted to /usr/bin/(firefox|thunderbird|seamonkey).ubuntu. (Yes, this is one place that the Ubuntuzilla packages show their ubuntu roots.)
A menu shortcut is also created, which places an item named Mozilla Build of (Firefox|Thunderbird|Seamonkey) into the Applications -> Internet menu.
For Firefox ESR, package is placed into lopt/firefox-esr, a link is created in /usr/bin/firefox-esr, and a menu shortcut to it is named Mozilla Build of Firefox ESR. Note that it is a good idea to create a separate profile for Firefox ESR, since some file formats change between versions. Besides that, you should be able to use both the mainline version and ESR at the same time.
The repository packaging script is based on the old installer script. The source code for the packaging script resides in the project git repository, specifically the mozillapackager repository.
If you wish to package your own .debs of Mozilla software, feel free to use that script - though of course you won't be able to sign the package with the Ubuntuzilla signing key, or upload your results to the Ubuntuzilla apt repository.
If you have installed the Ubuntu repositories version of a package, and then install the -mozilla-build package, you will end up with two menu items, one called, say, "Firefox", and another "Mozilla Build of Firefox". They will both take you to the same version of firefox, the one present in /usr/bin/firefox, which is the Mozilla build. If you so desire, you can take out one of them with the menu editor. Or you can just ignore the duplication.
Visit our support forums. Any questions, suggestions, thoughts, comments, feature requests are welcome.
Here are some very highly recommended extensions. I personally can't imagine living without them. :)
If you would like to suggest some other extensions for inclusion in this list, feel free to post a message in the forums here.
Here are some very highly recommended extensions for Thunderbird.
If you would like to suggest some other extensions for inclusion in this list, feel free to post a message in the forums here.
Wiki: Ubuntuzilla_Donations
Wiki: Ubuntuzilla_FAQ
Wiki: Ubuntuzilla_Installer_Script
Wiki: Ubuntuzilla_Non_Deb
Wiki: Ubuntuzilla_Shell_Scripts