
noisy mesh within pdf

  • afterdust

    afterdust - 2010-01-13

    Hi all,
    can anyone give me any hint on the following topic? I've created a u3d file thanks to your liraries. I've set all vertices correctly, but when I embed the u3d within a PDF the result is a weaved strange mesh in which wrong vertices and gaps appear.
    What can it deped on?

    Thanks for any aid you will give me.
    Best regards.

  • Michail Vidiassov

    Dear afterdust,

    1) are you sure you have disabled mesh compression? CLOD, degenetate triangle removal, coordinate rounding?
        What are your settings? How did you produce your U3D file?
    2) may be it is orientation issue and some of the triangles are not shown due to different orientation?
        enabling/disabling double sided rendering may help.
    3) did you try alternative viewers - Intel SamplePlayer.exe and/or
        DeepView or Deep Exploration from Right Hemisphere?
        BTW, Deep Exploration allows you to inspect properties of your mesh as it ended in the U3D file,
        i.e. after compression. Deep Exploration is not free, but has a 30day trial period.
    4) what about the output generated for the same data by other U3D producers?
        Acrobat Pro Extended, Deep Exploration, Daz Studio (free) - is it OK?

    There are some live people on this forum to unswer your questions, but no tepaths have shown up here for long,
    so provide more details of what exaclty you was trying to do and how your efforts failed.

    Upload source data and resulting U3D somewhere to have something to examine.

    For now your question sound too much like "it is not OK, how to make it OK?"


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