
Creating multiple meshes

  • dengste

    dengste - 2008-08-13


    I´m sorry - my english isn´t the best.

    I´m trying to make an assembly structure with several nodes. I want to create an authormesh for every node, but this doesn´t work. I´ve got a generator palette and try to link it with my meshes (like they did in HelloWorld.cpp with one mesh). Here is one of my problems:

    result = pCompiler->Compile(modelResourceName1, pAuthorClodMesh1,
                                        &pAuthorClodResource1, FALSE, &aparams);
    result = pCompiler->Compile(modelResourceName2, pAuthorClodMesh2,
                                        &pAuthorClodResource2, FALSE, &aparams);

    The second call of "compile" returns -2147483642. I don´t know, whether this is the correct way to create multiple meshes nor why I can´t call the function "compile" 2 times.

    I hope someone can help me.


    • ams

      ams - 2008-08-15

      Well this is probably not the only way or the best way, but basically what I did is turn the model node section from helloworld.cpp into a fuction and then passed it in the world node, the scene graph, and a unique node palatte and model node.


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