
U3D to PDF

  • WatchOut

    WatchOut - 2007-03-21

    Hello Friends/Gurus,

    I am a newbie to this U3D world and seeking some help.
    Is there a freeware or a shareware available for converting
    a U3D file to a 3D PDF file?

    Any guidance is greatly appreciated.

    Thanking you in advance.

    Best Regards,

    • gejza01

      gejza01 - 2007-03-23

      There is a free pdf library, libharu .
      But the problem is that, the last version of u3d library cannot be into pdf inserting.
      I don't know why. I tried it with acrobar professional also, but couldn't insert.
      With the previous u3d lib generated u3d file could inserting with acrobat professional,
      and with this free libharu also. :-/
      I have wroted into this forum, but i did't get any answer.

    • Patrik Mueller

      Patrik Mueller - 2007-03-23


      you can try the following for U3D:

      disable IFX_SUPPORT_MINOR_VERSION in "IFXBlockTypes.h" and recompile U3D.

      I also want to test libharu - can you give me an hint how to add a 3D annotation to libharu?

    • gejza01

      gejza01 - 2007-03-23

      Try to get an older version of the libharu (that is not so complex)

      Must to create a PdfDoc,
      then add a new PdfPage into the doc,
      then Page size setting,
      then page->Canvas setting,
      then add a Pdf3DAnnot to the page,
      then the annotation have a function LoadFile (here must to load the pdf)
      then the doc have a WriteToFile function. (This writes only the bin into the pdf)
      That's all.

      Hope helps

      • Patrik Mueller

        Patrik Mueller - 2007-03-23


        I have version 2.0.8 - but I don't see a Pdf3DAnnot? Where is it?



        • gejza01

          gejza01 - 2007-03-23


          we use this one:
          Haru Free PDF Library Version 1.2

          and in the libharu.h
          is a class definition:
          class Pdf3DAnnot;

          • Patrik Mueller

            Patrik Mueller - 2007-03-23


            I don't find this version at the downloads? Any idea how to get it?



            • gejza01

              gejza01 - 2007-03-23

              Sorry, i have no idea.
              We don't want to change to a newer version,
              because the newer is more complex, etc.
              (You know never touch a running system)

              • Patrik Mueller

                Patrik Mueller - 2007-03-23

                No problem,

                in the worst case I can still generate the PDF by hand and merge it with other pages.

                Thanks for the help,


    • gejza01

      gejza01 - 2007-03-23

      But maybe my college made some extra works.

    • - 2007-03-28

      same info here: i uploaded a patch for libharu to support the creation of 3d annotations

      -- sebastian

    • user69

      user69 - 2008-01-04

      I implemented your patch in The LibHaru Library and it works in general, but with some of limitations and problems.
      Is't nessesarry to disable IFX_SUPPORT_MINOR_VERSION in "IFXBlockTypes.h" and recompile U3D for the PDF support.
      Also the .def file must be changed to export this functions.

      On the other Hand there are a few things which needs to be improved in the Patch:
      - A ApearenceStream AP /N (which is needed for 3D Anootations) is not implemented yet. Thatswhy the 3D Annotation collaps while clicking with right mouse button on the Annotation.
      - The Lighting is not set correctly
      - The 3D-View does not work (there in no View set)
      - Sectioning is not supported
      - Missed flexibility to turn toolbar On or Off

      If Sebastian or someone else has interests to work together with me on improvements of this problems, I'm glad to do this.


    • Michail Vidiassov

      Dear user69,

      as to sectioning: did you take a look at arenable tool?
      If Sectioning is like Commenting it may do what you want and it has source code available.
      But it is not that legal, see for details
      (When I asked senior boys in my USSR high school what that "Copyright" word that popped up after game title and before I could start  harassing the keyboard meant,
      they told me that it said "it is a good copy" ;)

      As to your other u3d to pdf questions - try to look for insights in movie15 latex package.
      For example it sets views (but does not read them from U3D file) and has an option to create lights.

      BTW, is recompilation of U3D sample software to deal with IFX_SUPPORT_MINOR_VERSION a requirement of LibHaru or Reader (7, 8)?

      Please, post some minimal code examples for your work on U3D to pdf.
      And how do you recompile the Intel Library on Windows?
      Compiler versions, additional patches, compilation warnings?

                        Sincerely, Michail

    • user69

      user69 - 2008-01-24

      arenable tool: I dont like to work with not completly legal things. So arenable is no option.
      I think, that there is no legal possibily to enabel sectioning outside of adobe acrobat.

      However it can be done by using Javascript in 3D-PDF and makeing own controls. Thats what I will do next (I have tetsted prototype functions, which was working).

      IFX_SUPPORT_MINOR_VERSION a requirement of LibHaru or Reader (7, 8): I dont know, I only tested the combination of both. And it only works with this modification.

      Please, post some minimal code examples for your work on U3D to pdf: Check out the LIBHaru on There is a a draft U§D implementation available (but I made a lot of additional modifications to get it working fine).

      And how do you recompile the Intel Library on Windows?: I use Visual C++ Express 2005. To use this you can converte the included XML files of the u3d to get it run. YOu need the Platform SDK and maybe the Direct X SDK (I dont need this, because I dont like to use the included rendering. I use the IDTF format as intermediat format, because direct U3D creation seams really complicated. I also made some modifications on the defaust varables to use this with good results.

      Compilation warnings? Yes, but I ignore it.


    • Michail Vidiassov

      Dear Ingo,

      you wrote:
      > I also made some modifications on the defaust varables to use this with good results.

      Please, share at least some of your knowledge: what variables, what values.

      I have had problems with just two - default background color
      (it is black, at least in the sample viewer, by the default drawing color often is black too)
      and the default lineset compression factor is set too low (that point was discussed on this list).

      Sincerely, Michail
      PS. iText claims to support U3D embedding - did you try it?

      • user69

        user69 - 2008-02-05


        I dont use JAVA (thatswhy iText is not intresting for me), but I wrote some imlpementations for LibHaru PDF Library to include u3d files in a pdf and for me it works fine now.
        I use the idtf format from my app as inmediate format to create a u3d and at least a pdf file.

        - For lineset: no idea, I only use triangles.
        - background: I dont use light or views, because I specify this in the pdf (not in u3d).
        - Parameters: at least I diabled CLOD, because its really slow in creation and it brings bad results for some nomals (only in some cases, I dont know why). When I filter the nomals from my side (each value is only once included and referenced several times), I got approximatly the same file size for the u3d as with CLOD. but its much qicker in generation and loads much faster in acrobat reader.


    • Michail Vidiassov

      Dear user69,

      you wrote:
      at least I diabled CLOD, because its really slow in creation and it brings bad results for some nomals

      how did you achieve that - by patching the source of IDTFConverter or by providing
      BASE_POSITIONs in the MESH  description in IDTF -AFAIK it disables CLOD, but may be it has other effects?

      Do your meshes always have normals?
      Are there any advantages in having normals in per-vertex color mode, when (IMHO) lighting and materials get disabled in Reader (for that model)?

              Sincerely, Michail

      • user69

        user69 - 2008-02-07

        I diabled CLOD it in the source of IDTFConverter (MeshConverter).

        I alsways use nomrals (also per Vertex, to get a smooth display).


    • Michail Vidiassov

      Dear User69,

      you wrote:
      I alsways use nomrals (also per Vertex, to get a smooth display).

      I am under impression that if per-vertex color is used
      the result (in Reader) has smooth change of colors, but lighting and shading gets disabled (the edge between two completely red faces can not be seen, for example, light changes in Reader menu do not affect anything) regardless of the presence of normals.

      Is it the case or not?
      May be the limitation is unique to my setup or models?

      I had to use per-face colorig (MESH_FACE_SHADER_LIST and  MODEL_SHADING_DESCRIPTION_LIST) to get lighting effects
      - but at the cost of color smoothness and processing speed.

                    Sincerely, Michail

    • Michail Vidiassov

      Dear User69,

      have you solved:

      >A ApearenceStream AP /N (which is needed for 3D Anootations) is not implemented yet.

      >Thats why the 3D Annotation collaps while clicking with right mouse button on the Annotation. 

      it seems to be easy to fix - i.e. I fixed it without any knowledge of what I am doing by using an empty dictionary ;)
      Please, (again) - share some of your results with libharu.

      // Community of open-source developers and early adopters may provide you with a nice set of enthusiastic guinea pigs.

               Sincerely, Michail

    • Michail Vidiassov

      Somewhat improved version of the patch mentioned here
      has found its way into the upcoming 2.1.0 release of libharu.
      It was enhanced with support to set cameras, set visibility and opacity of parts, etc.
      You are welcome to ask questions in libharu google group in case you need more information.


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