
Linux and Mac builds

  • Michail Vidiassov

    If you need U3D library that builds  on Linux and/or Mac,
    you are welcome to contact me, I am master at

    I have both autoconf and cmake setups
    (original Intel too - but who needs this horror).

    Both "work for me" or worked some time ago,
    but it'd be nice to test them on you ;)

  • Ming Lu

    Ming Lu - 2010-09-22

    hello mvid,

    i would like try to use u3d lib in mac osx 10.6 plattform. i am so glad, you have been already made the cmake for the building. it will be very kind of you, if you can send me the cmake-file and i will try it! my email ist

    thanks a lot and have a nice day!
    best regards


  • Michail Vidiassov

    Sources repackaged for cmake and autotools with addition of static IDTF library and an IDTFGen.cpp example of its use (essentially it is IDTFConverter without IDTF parser) is at .

    I do not remember if cmake builds and installs or only builds, with installation to be done manually.

  • Ming Lu

    Ming Lu - 2010-09-23

    hi mvid,

    Thanks you very much! i downloaded your tar files and will read it. i get a question, why did you sperate the IDTFConverter  from the whole project?

    best regards

  • Michail Vidiassov

    >  why did you sperate the IDTFConverter  from the whole project?

    It was so in original Intel sources - U3D library is "the thing",
    while IDTFConverter is one of many examples of using it.

    Since casual users of U3D tend to do that via IDTF (me included),
    IDTFConverter is the only program from Intel samples I have kept.
    Really my intension was to have a minimal source package to compile
    IDTFCionverter for Mac and Linux. For me U3D lib was a part of IDTFConverter.
    Later I got problems with huge IDTF files and having to run IDTFConverter process,
    so I made that IDTF library.

  • Ming Lu

    Ming Lu - 2010-09-23

    i have some errors during run after the make:

    1. cmake CMakeLists.txt---->100% no errors
    2. make-->    
          ld: can't open output file for writing: IDTFConverter, errno=21
          collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
          make: ***  Error 1
          make: ***  Error 2
          make: ***  Error 2

    i excuted the scripts in the eclipse+ant. maybe can you test it?


  • Michail Vidiassov

    I have fixed the bug and reuploaded sources.
    You have stepped on it because you took non-kosher route of in-source build.

  • Ming Lu

    Ming Lu - 2010-09-24

    i haved downloaded the new tar.gz and still got the same errors. :(

    i executed all commands just in terminal:

    cmake CMakeLists.txt-->do i need some switches?
    make->do i need some switches?

  • Michail Vidiassov

    > i haved downloaded the new tar.gz and still got the same errors. :(
    it is strange. Are you sure you got the new archive, not the old one from some browser cache?
    Put an archive of the sources directory after failed build online.
    Try out-of-source build, as (for example) explains.

    > you are welcome to contact me, I am master at
    get in touch with me by e-mail, things we are talking about now are of 0 public interest

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-03

    Hi mvid,

    i googled, that you build something like a vtkU3Dexporter. Im working on a project which is based on VTK. I have a headache of testing libs exporting to u3d. Maybe it's possible to get any support from you. Is it possible to tell me how i can use your vtkU3DExporter under MS VC 2008.
    thanks so much.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-03

    Hi Tom,

    I'll have to refresh my memory first, since
    I have dropped the use of VTK
    (I did not get developer and/or power user support on the public forum necessary to understand VTK internals
    - the main technical reason for that decision).
    Are you developing your own code for U3D or trying to use mine (if yes - which one, from what URL)?

    > you are welcome to contact me, I am master at

    May be e-,ail is a better way to communicate till we have some sort of a result.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-04

    Hi mvid,

    is master at … correct or i am master at ? i hope you received my message. I used master at ;o)

  • Michail Vidiassov

    I have updated my repack of the sources.
    No major fixes.
    It is .


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